Force Orders 1943_19 X No. 19• 9th. ®, 1943. TO BE CIRCIILATEDTO ALL RANRS OF THE ORESHIRECONSTABULARY. AId.OYANCES. At a moeting of the BtandingJointCommittoe held on the 17th.,Ap 1,1943, the followingResolutionerecommended by the Chief Constablewere passed by the Committee., That the lodgingallowance o£ unmarried constablesba lncreasedto 7/6d. per week, and that the question be again reviewedin three yoar .- That the allowance to marriad constablesliving in furnished rooms, where • housea are not avai±able,be iacreasedto 15/-d. per week, aad that the queet3on be again reviewedin three years. That the allowaaceYor uae of bicyeleswhen on duty be inereasadto £5.0.0. per an aum for rural sergeants;£4. 0. 0. pe annum for rural constables. In the oase of other mombers oY tho Forca 4&. pe foui hourscycled, but aot exceeding3/-d. yer week, with a maxinumo£ £b. 0, 0. per annum icr Sergeants,and £4. 0. 0. per annum for constables,an d that the question be again re ewed in three years. That the allowanceto occupiersof Police Stations for the provlsionof mea1s to prisonersbe inoreasedto:- Breakfast1/ d. Mid-day maal 2/-d. Tea 1/-d. . and that the question b® aga3n reviewed ia three yaars. Theee Resolutionshave received the approval oY the Home Offioe 1n their latter dated 3rd. June 1946,and they wi11 beoome effective and made payable from the 1st. July,1943. Chief Constableof Choshlre• 1 , .4