Force Orders 1943_18 X TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL AND STATIONOFFICES. GENERALORDERN0. 18.' $th June,1943. ACTSOF GALL NTRY . Recently,the attentionof theCh#efConetablewas drawnto an act oY gallantryby two civilians1n releasingthe occupanteoY a crashed airoraftwhichwas oa fire.- Thie incideatoccurredsometwo monthspreviouelyand the Chief locatablewouldnot have knownaaythingaboutit 1f he had aot been iaformedfroman outsidesource' In future,whenit comeeto the knowledgeoY a memberof the CheehireConstabularythata pereoahaa performedan act of gallantry ia ooanectlonwithany incidentwhateoever,a fu11reportand,etatemante muet be eubmlttadto the ChiefConetableforthwithso thathe canmake any recommendationhse'deemsneceeeary. The factthatthematterhas beeareportedto aomeother officialbodydoeanot do awaywith the neceeeityfor a report. . ChiefConetableof Cheehire. • •