Force Orders 1943_17 X x { TO BE CIRCULATEDTO D2VISIONAL GENERALORDERN0. , j. AND STATION OFFICES. 31et May, 1943. QUALIFYINGEXAMINATIONFOR PROMOTION TO THE.RANK OF SERGEANT. The followingconstableswhoae nameeappearhereunder1a alphabetioal ord®rwere euccéeeful1n paeeiagthe qualifyingexamiaatloafor promotion to the rank of S®rgaantwhichwae held ón tha 24thApri1,1943. No. 651J.W. No. 738 M. No. 138 C.W.E. No.2 A. No. 564 T.E. No. 740 B. No. 554N. No. 724 W. No. 331 G.L. No. 540 J.E. No. 200 J. Barrow. Bayliea. Beetham. Ba Yi ld. Benson. Beewick. Bileborough. Boden. Booth. Boultoa. Braakett. No. 667 F.A.Hughes. No. 172 A.G.H.Huat. No. 649 J.Ikia. No. 610 C.L.Johneon. No. 528 E.C.Leicester. No. 604 F.A.Lewie. No. 290 W. aye . No. 548 V.Mayoh. No. 382 D.M.MaAek111. No. 621 F.G.McIntyre. No. 685 D.J.Moires. ao.18 G. Brew. No. 565F.A...Morris. No. 597G. Browa. No. 549 E. Niakleee. No. 587W.G. Bulmer. No. 656 H.d. Nixon. No. 633 A. Bux . No. 761 J. Nob1e. No. 529 J. Clewee. No. 605 W.E. Petere. No. 419 A.E. Cooke. No. 125W. Price. No. 255G.W. Crocker. No. 599T. Smith. No. 260 T.E. Croeby. No. 240 H. stone. No, 346 W.J. Di11on. No. 559 N.M. Thorburn. No. 443 J. Duffy. No. 643 L. Triner. No. 571 A.H. Fleher. No. 658 A. W311iema. No. 585 J.H. Gallagher. No. 768 H. W1111eme. No. 297 M.W. Gardn®r. No.64 A.B. Williams. No. 568 T. Iadfield. No. 628 G.W. W11eoa. Ia acaordaaaewith Regulatioa31 of the PoliceRegulatlone,1920,a recordoY euch passingw111 be made 1n the recordeof thoeecoaceraed. A11 othercandïdatee'whopreeeatedthemselvesfailedin this m ti . A entryto this effectwi11 be made 1a theirrecords1n a ordâflcewith.the PoliceRegulatlone.A11 thoeewho falledare 1aeligibleto sit for,another: promotionexaminationfor twelvemonthsafterthe dat® oP thie..examinatioa.. The papersdone were good and ladicatethata11 candidates ave benefitedY om the inetractioa.nhichthey have reoeived. Thosewho have paeeedthe examinationmuet aot relax theirefforteto maintainand lncreasetheirknowledge. / / /(L . ChiefConstableof Cheehire.