Force Orders 1943_14 X NW BER 14. ', r d Apri1. 1943. TO BE CIRCIILATEDTO DIV2520NALVEADQUARTERB SPECIALCONSTABIILARY. NANTPiICHSECTIONI • The undermentionedis promotedto therankof Acting/sergeantfrom and includiagjrdApri].,1943: No. S.C.573 George Wi iam DICI@1. . CAIEFCONSTABLE. S. 3/43 ; ,;UN9 gV Dukinfield Divis G j/FF p i. 2 MAY1943 Sir, Photograp ÿ`z o ice work. I beg to report in ac rda nc e with Gene No 15/1943. The instructions .contained therein have with , and futther lectures were given o n 8th and b y keigeant Jones , Hartford , tA the Regulars a n d of this Division. 2hese lectures were very inst given in a very efficientmanner. I am, sir, Your obedient 8ervant , The chief table: of Oheshire , -1ÉS R. kup er intendent. ra1 Order b ee n compli ed 15th May, 1943 , Auxiliaries . ru ctive and tendent's Ufi'ica eadleHu1me, 18 th NIay, 1943.