X NUMBERU. � TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONALAND STATION OFFICES 18th Maroh, 1943. POLICE(APPEALSj ACT. 194, I am directedby the ChiefConstableto forwardherewitha copy of Home OfficeletterNo. 803,368/119datedthe 12thMarch,1943,a copy of the Police(Appeals)Act, 1943 and a copy of the Police(Appeals)Ru1es,1943. Buperintendentswill amendthe Police(Appeals)Act, 1927, accordingly. � The foflowing, are cancelled:� StandingGeneralOrderNo. 181 datedthe 19th August,1927. StandingOrderNo. 1 Para. 10. STABLEOF CHESHIRE N.B. GeneralOrdersNos. 2/7 1nclusiveand 9/10 inclusivewer�circulatedto DivisionalHeadquarterson1y. 1, The Police (Gppeals) Act, 1927, sha11 have effect subjec't Extension of to the followingamend ntsthat.isto say:- ' ' right�ofappeal . . . to secretary' (a) in the title,for the words "dismissedor requiredto of State. � r�sign"thereshall.besubstitutedthe words punishedby ' 17 & 18 Geo.5 dismissal, by bei lg required to resign; by reduction in ' c. . . r nk, or by reductiun' in rate of pay":; , .' ( ) in subsect on' (1) uf �ectiun one, for the words "dis n ssed . or requiredto resignas an alternativetu dismissalTMthere . sha11 be substituted the words "punished by diaa ssa.l., by . beingrequiredto resignas ar alternativeto di,sm ssal,by reductionin rank, or by reductionin rate of pay"; in paragraph( ) of subsection(2) 'ofsectiontwo, after the w&'d "puniskient";where t atword occursfor the second t}me,theresha11be insertedth� words "(whethermore or ' l�ss severe)"; '. . . , subsection(4) of the said sectiu two, aftar the word "forc�"there shallbe insertedth� words "or in t s rank",and a.fterthe word �served"theresha11be inserted. the words "in the forceor in that k, as the case may be, u ; , , in Part I3 of the schedul' fer the words "dismiss�d ox'requir�dto resign." thero sha11be'substitutedthe . v ard"pu shed". c , 2.-(1)This c may be citedas the Police (Appeals)Act, 1943,ad this Act a the Folic�(Appeals)Act, 1927,qa� be citedtogetheras th�'Police(Appeals)Acts, 1927 r d1943." (2) Nothiog in this Act ahafl be co straed as affecting a 3 p nishment awarded before the p ssir a of this_lob, 5hortti't1e, citation a 7. saving. .- . . , . . e-`at. .w` h a �. X,w_ y3� 7.-eY=7' f, . .-. _-" _. _t�l �,i ?.c f s.e,^ , n- � ' i FCi �- `(1P F6L ) R' E3 i43 b1,TEDP GRCH11th, 1 43, M DE BY THB S Y OP ST ,UtVD 2Tt POLICE (RP�E+I,S) ' ACTS, 1927 1' 1D 1343 (,17.& 1B GEO. 5. C. 19 ID 6 & 7 1 GFA: 6. C: ). " .t , ; L �n purs a cet'hoefpov ers.c nferru�pdonme by seetion4 of the Police- (hppeals) ct, 1927,I her by,a kethe followingRu1es:- ' '" .1, Thes Ru1es shall' l t all appealst� a membet'of � pol defbrcein 1 ndor 'iales under"thePolic� (Appeals) 4ct,'1927,as oaen&ed'by the P li�e ET _ ... .. � ('Pe,P oals ) t 1943; fi � f�rri�r 1,r '., "" 's .so m� d�d, ic hereaft�r in th@ s�`. R. 1,�.s._ referredtu s'"thehct".:' ' --, . . . �ndertheprovisiolsof the Act sha11 ppealin the�orm set o�t in,the' th.e s .i3 noti�e,.the ,statements. a, nd lists 2.=(1) �,personwho desiresto"appeal ser Ttb the Secr�t ryuTState a noticeof scheduleto theseRu�esand sha11aviexto spe�ifiedin the said,form. , (2) The notice of ppeal sha11 be sent?to th� Sec're+,&.ry"�f'State with n ., t�n daysfrom tlied te.wh nthe appellantreceivedoc themisconductfoimthe' notification of the d cision aga . st i ich he desirea tu appeal Providedthat lhereth; Se retai3o f Stateis satisfi�d,un the applicatioon� the\' p ll tthatby reasonof the'specialcircumstar ces!tohPe casei.tis just . and rightthat an appealshouldbe anterfa9 edoftdrthe expirationof theperiod' aforesaid,the noticeof appeal5ha11 � senttu the c eta yo� State.by.such' � at� �as he m y fix ' 1 - . ^ : - . . - . . .. (3)The appellantshall,with iithe saidper odof ten daysur by the date ' fixedby the Secretes of tate, s the case y be, �sendto the'resnondent � py of the noticeof appealand ihe d centsannexedLhereto, . , . (4).Therespondent,when so requ5s�aby the Becreta. of 5tate,sha11send to him a written t t ntdeclakngwhether,the'respondentdesir s_tocpposethe, a�peal,, and, if so, d�cl i {q whether, in the event of an �nq sy being he1d, as her� naft rprovided,he d siresto appearin personor by a 1ega1or other representative -and giving particulars of the facts or contention on which he reliesand of the documentaryor utherevidence;i=f any,whichhe desiredto submit. ' and shallalso sendto hin slchnumbespf additio ial�copc festhe said statement. ., and si.ich paper;,, reporEs, ' c rds nd dther' doc ant's'as the Secr�tary o� 5tate _ mAy specify.' . ' . .," (3)The respondentsha11sendto the appe a t'acopyof the statement 'refpdrocr uQnderSts tsop�icnifip da,bryagratphhe(4s)dczrebtowv'yeafodf oSfta te p bpridee rs;thart eppors gtrsap,h',reooforwdohsirchot'hh .e: r app� a t is not a1 �a]y in possession of c �opy. , ' 3; lvhenthe,Secrotaroyf statehas decidedto appoir.t,any"%peor so nersons^ to holdan inqtdry' �ndersection2 cf the kct,,hesha11"sendto eaehof themthe notice 'f appeal and the d ume ts a xed thereto, -th� st te ent of. the fesponde t and any pape ,. ,reports, ..eeords a id othex' d c,iments peci#'ie . bj the 8ecretarg '. of State ud, r p ra . aph 4) �o� Ru1e 2. , ` . , 4. -�(1) The Tribunal sh ,1]., a�p�int a �1 for the holding of 'the inquiry and' �' sh , caus� notice t ereof to be sent� to the appe anty the respondent, and the 9ecretary\ f 5t�te, not'tless than seven days before the day so appointed. (2) It sh.a11be withinthe discretionof the Tribun l. to.�roc edwith the , � uiry'on the ,appointed. day. in ,t absence of eitherparty,whetherrepresented . r i ot, if it ap��ars'to be just . d�prcper s to do, and to adjo rn the inquiry from ti ne to ti !e as may _ pear necess'Tyfor the due heari c, of 'the case . _ . , , " . (3)The Trib almay, at any timebbfore the eonclusionof t e inquiry, a11owth� noti�eof appeal or,anydpc e ts a_n exed theretu,therespondektis statement r a ;ypapeFs,rep.ortsr ecorasor .otherdoc ne t .specifie -tbhye'� Secretary of 6tate under p . ag ap} (4) of Ru1� 2't , b aecled as� �t'ti,inks "'just. b ,i : �{ 1 _. �....:s . ". ,,.._, s-,-- - .> (4) 7 he appellant may, at any timo bofore the.d2 y , appointed for the holdingo� the inquiry,withdrawhis appealby}givi gnoticein writingto the 5ecrotaryof 3tate. , . � ' . � , 5. . Th�,appellant eha �1 veF the right to appear at -the inquiry bq a serving mem� ' bf the pol�oo rce T hioh ho .bolongD o if ho hss Jcen, to rooi.� ,or viith.theconsentof the Tribdnalby counselor auli itor:", .. . . . , . . l ' ' � . ". .. _ ,. - . Providedthatthe appellant;-sha11be entitled,in any case in whichthe rpsp!ndentappearsby tho C1orkor otherofficerof,thopolice,aut'horityor by a l�citor,t'aappearby a solicitorand,in a y case 1n whlch the reapondent� appearsby counse ,to'appear y counsel., . ". .. _ ' 6.,- Th� xespo d�ntshallh v�.the'right.tb�ppqarat t} einqu ryby a''. '�servingmbmber-ofthe policefo'rcer � rr d,t in Ru10 or by tho'TownC1erk or otheroffieerof the policoauthorityur,"withthe conse tcf the Tribunal, y cqu e1o ,a solicitor.. " . ' . � � C'. ! ' . . . �7: ' Uri1� the 3 cr'et ryof 3tate.otherwisedirects,the inquiryshall ' be held in priyate: _ . , . Providedthat it sha11be wi'thi the di oretionof the TributaI'to punit. chpersonor p�rsonsas,itmay considerdo ira e to be presentdurixgthe wholoor suchpart of the inquiryas it mqy th k'fit,and mey..requlrofrbm any p�rson who is pexmitted to b e present � undortaking that h& v 11 not m{ke . publicany reportof, or st&temontwith regardt, the proceedings,exceptat such timo or under'such o ditionsae mey bi speqifiede ' . . " 8.-(1) l �sthe Tribunalotherwised�ter�ai.ne ,the i qutryshallbe. conduc$d b y way of rehearing the c)iarga at d the �v�dence in support thereof 1 sha11bo givenfirst. . " (2) All evidenceshallbe givenon.oath,which shallbo a'kministerod y a rie nber of the Tribunal. ' '' (3) m witn�s e givi gev d� eoat the i +quiry ha11be subjectto �, examinationa-idoross-exemination.. y , '(4)'�t shall 'within'thediscretionof, the Tribunalt� d�t�rm�ne;ar{y `qu�sti n..a to wh th r ar y evidence tendered eha11 be admitted o'r whether, any:'... quostion: shafl or shall not be put "to a itness. . ' � r . . _ . . . . . . .. . (5')Unldastho 3ecretaryof 3t teotha v isedirects,a shorthand ot of the ev�d oegiven'atthe nquirysh�11be taken. 9."r Phe Tribuncil she11 draw up ar d submit to the Secret ry'' f 3t te,a ' sooXias 'maybe afte'rthe terminationof th� inqu�ry,a report,'intrlplic te, of its findings, sett;u g out - . ' - - . .... �. . . . � .. . . -(a) . a statement of the facts admitted or 1f oui d to b e prov�d, 'sd'far materialto the case;.'� (b), a statementas to tho bhsrg or chargesfoundto be prov �,� -'(�)'a�statement s'tov{hetherthe punishmentwas, in 1ts opinion,just ' an d proper h�vin regard ,to a11 the 'ci.r m ta cos before it an d, if not, wheth r,a >,p an d 1f eo what, puniek ont hould in ita opinion, b e _, substitutedtherofor; ' ; (d) .where th� appea]'is gai t p iahment bj.'d' i issa�., b y e� g r quix' d to resignor by reductionin rank, a rer eendationa to whether,if the .� 3ecretaryof 3t2te shouldorder the.appollant�tobe reinst te8!n the forae �r in his rank, suchreinstatementahouldtak effectwith fu11 pay as from th� date of the appe a t'a suspension,disniissak!,resignationor red otio , as,thecasemay a;- , - ' . s a recomme lat on as to *ether the appeflant. should be requ.ixed to pay any, avd if so what, p st, or thQ whole, of' his own' costs of the appeal; , � ' � .. . . . arrf other matter sis g out of the :ppeol which.it desires to bring to the noticeofthe Secretaryof State; . c . . and sha11'sendtherewithto th� Secr�taryuf Stateth� shcrthandnote of the � evidencegive at;t e5.nquiry,if such'note as beeiltaken,tha not�ceof appeal �. and the doc�ar.ents a exed thereto, the' statement of the respondent arid all other ,' documentsproducedat the inquiryor otherwisefur ishedin connectiontherewith. ,, . / � � 10. If the Tr ua1 consists 'o#' mure than one me?nber, "thk powers . on�erred upon the Tribunal' by.p sagraph (1) of Ru1e 4, Ru1e 5 and Role 6 sha11 be exercised . by the memberappo ntedby thc 5ecretar�oP Statetos le. '' ' '. 11. d', re any noticd or �t . r docum�nt is required by. th :se Ru1es tu be sent b� c tithe 3ocr,t:ry'ofStat�`urany oth r'per.sonur 'authority,it sha11be a . suf�iaient Qornp).iance iith t ese Rules if such notice or.other`'docW ent' s posted ' withi sucli t ne, if any, as is 'prescribed by these�Ru1es, in a regis`kered letter directed,in tnu caseaf a letterto #he Secretscyof State,to the UnderSecretary - of State, Ho � Office, Lo o, S. F.1. d in a lp other case to the p rsott for whom v.. . . .. it is intendedat is usualofficeor otherorinary aP, ress. '12. If any quest on r�ses as tc the prouercompliancawith'anyprov sio ., of theseRu1 it sha11be determinedb� the Sebretaryof Statec twsedecision shallbe final. , " ':;.., 13.-(1)In theseRu1es-thefollowingexpr�ssionshave the meaningshereby repecti.v ly ass gned to them; t at'is to� �- "tY.e . Act" means the' P lice ( ��e �s) ct,� 1927 as amended by the. ; Police(Appeals)Act, 194, , ,"aw�ellant" d "re pondent"have the samemea ,aas in the ct; and , " ."theTribunal�'meansthe personor.p_ersonsappointed,tahold av inquisy ' under s:ct�on2 cf"the4et. " (2) ihe Interps�t�t ,on ,ct,��89(a),shellapplyto the interpretatio of th seRu1es as it applies'tot e interpretationef ariAct�ofParliament." 14.-(1)TheseRu1es ay be cited�s t e Police (Ap�eals)Ru1eg; 1943. i (2)�ThePolice (bppealg}P.u1es,1927,are h rebyrevoked: ' Provided. that, the Po ice (Appeals) Ru1es, ?927, shall coatina� t, hade' effect in respect of any appeal against a pus sh : t`nvrrde3befor the pnssing.of the Police ( ppeals) 1.bt,, 1}3;. . ' , ' : ' .:+ 'RT IOR tI50N. . O e of lis Na,jesty's Principal Secr�t r esof 5tate.+ ' Whitehall. ' 1 t .' 1a.r h,.19t3. s �, 1 ) (, ")52 & 53 Vict. c. 63. I ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . w --,+ #��.t Y..` . ' ;. Yl.x u"d,7 C L"'.!!a Yj�^�- ��)"_: - J' -:Y ., -7?3 ."3 ..l 4^ '4��f'". `-' ,�. � `+a.tT.a?'a-``.:- !,'V', ii., SO}iFDULE. Form o� Noticeof r.ppealto the Secrstsry� of 8tate. ; . , on the _' . day of 1 , �while haldin t!,e,,rank af _ " . .� in the _polico force (dis issed) waspunishedby being (requ� redto r�sign)from that force' Omit what'� .' (reducedin rank to un ecessary, (red ced in rate of pq}* to . . . . ;-- � - - -- - - - Here state . � � the charge or charges ' . underthe' C d�;of ' Discipline . or such , , � otheT ., . grounds, if;l1 1' _ . . . ny, as were ' givenfor ' . the ' pun sl m�nt. I desir�to appealagainstthe said (findi gand punishment (punishment. 2 deaire ) to subm t�additionalevidencecot donot desire) . take to"� nsiderationat the hearingef the charg�(s) . againstme. . ... . . a conc 'sestatement(marked ) of the groundson whIch ' � desireto appeal: , . 'a list (marked ?) of the documei ts, if ar_y, (other than , documentsproducedat.'t hearing'ofthe charge)whi�h . I desireto submit: . � ' a list (marked0) of the names a � ad re`ssesof the w tnesae I desireto ca11,v,itha concisestatementof the matefiialfactewhioh.eachsuchv itnesscri11prove.' ' i . . . At the'dat�on which � was so p nish�dI was in receiptof Iraitif there pay at the rate of �`. �.(per week. i -' was a period (per annum. F _ of �uspens on- Eef re bei g� so p, shed I was suspende$ on the ,, � i ediately to day of .. : 1 , at hich prior da I was ih receipt f pay at the rate of � � hm � pu is Om t if � � ; (pei�weak. , . 'therewaa o (per a m . . . . p�riod of , .suspen ion ' . . � immediately . . ' . ' prior to.thv � . punishment. Wh�1e suspendedI received .,suspensionallowanceat the ' .' Omit the rate of �' . : (perweek. . , � alternative ' (per airnoo. ' . which does . _ . , . not apply: \ Give n�me ` and number o thc groundthat /, , 2 r ceived t�ficationof the decisionon , and acknowledgedhavingread the decisionon Give dates. Omit the' ' alternative which doe$ not apply.. I annex - Omit any . part of this paragraph which doe not'apply � _',--_,,.-%� -.', , . - Omit the 1-.fter boing suspeniied I (wns ternative .11ch doeu not apply. Give ddressto wiii oh sent. Give date which `�se nt. ) notifiedthatmy period of . (viag not) of suspension would be deducted in rockocing my approved servir,e - for purpose'sof pension. ! � declare that a full a id true copy of this noticeof l, includingthe accompanyingstatement(s), has been sentto as or oc behalfof the respcnd�nton � Bignature Address Date . 19 . GENERAL. O RDERS .6y Major J." Becke, O.B.E. Chiet Consw6le of Cheshire. No 11 County Consta6ulary Office, Chester. Date 1 th da h, 1943. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DI SSONAL� AND STATION OFFICES. POLICE(APPEALS)ACT, 1943. . #. .y I am directedby the ChiefC st 1� to'feI-wardhorewithe oopy of Rome Offico etterNo. 803,368/119datodtho 12th.March,1943,a oopy of tho Police (Appeals) Act, 1943,end a eopy of tho Poliee(Appeals)Ru1es,1943. suporintendentsw 11 amendtho^Polico(Appo � )Ac ,1927accordingly. � The �ollow ngare cancelled:- �. ' . . StandingGeneral-OrderNo. 181 datod19th.August,'1927. StandingOrderNo. 1; Para,10. (sGt.)J. R. DODD. Assistant.ChiefConstableof Cheshire. 80$,368/119 Six , Homo Offico,. Whitohall, 5. W. 1. .12th.March,1943 . Polico (Appeals)Atit,1943. I am directedby the Secrotery of Stateto � myou that tho Polico (Appoals)Aet 1943,receivedthe P.',ya1Assenton tho 11th.Marchand camo into oporationforthwith, and to onclosafor your inforw.ati'oncopiesof tho Act and ef tho Police(Appeals)Ru1oe, 194$,whichho has mado undortho Act. . Thc e�fectof the Act is to add reductionin rank and reductionin rato �f pay to tho punishioontsagainstwh&ch a momberof a policefarcimay.appealto the secretaryof stato. Theonlyothorchengewhich is made in tho provisionsoY the Pol�oo(Appoala) Act, 1927,is that tho secretaryof stateis empowerodto incroasoas wo11 as to roduce a punishmant. The act doosnot apply.tCany puni�hmcntawardodbeforothe pa ainggf the Act. The Police (Appeals)Ru1os,1943,rov kotho Polico(Appoals)Ru1o ,1927'oxcept ' in rospootof+* y appeal against a p ni hm nt e� o tho passing6f tho Ait' aad meko changes iiy/927P,u1oswhich aro nocc"itatod?y the oxtensionof the r .ghtaf appeal. Tho opportunityhas also,boon takentb make ccrtainchangosin the oxistingp licoduro.. (1)A u bo of tho pov eformorlyoxorcis dby the chairmansf any t lL� al sot up by th 5ocrotarytf Statoare nbw oxorcis blohythetribunal. . . . (2) Tho respondentwi11 in future be raq irod.to suppiytotho appollant cepies of any documents submittodto tho So rotai+y6f Stato (Ru10 2(5)). Th1s is te makp it cledr th t'the appellentis ontitlod; as f right, to ba in the semo position\ ` as the respoi?dontas rogards the d s�l suro df a11 relevant material. \ Tho othor amendmentsaro of a drafting charactor. Tho question � including in tho naw Act a provisionto oxtond tho right ef appeal to the award of a fine was fu11y eonsidercd,but th Seerotary �f Stcto camo.to thc conclusionthat it was undesirablcto do so. He thinks it importnnt,however, to draw attention to the fact that though �oder the Policc Rogulationsa fino ranks lowor than e raduction in rate of pay in tho list of pervk.ssiblepunishments,it is novortholass possiblo to award a 'fine or fines to a total ai-ountwhichmay bo subst nt al,and may equal rr oxcecd tho pen ltywhich is sometimos mposed by way of .reductionin rcte of pt`-Y� It will to appreciatodthat it is ossontialto avoid any ground for a suggost D that far an offoncowhich is soriousenough to justify c roduction in pajra finc is imposed �or tho purpose ,f deprivingthe offender of his right of appoal� Whi1c, th r foro, it is giff cultto draw e hard and fcst linc betweon offcnceswhich ought, to bo doalt with by e reductien of pay and thoso "hieb merit c. fine, tho secretary of - - ' _.,,. -- 0.0. N0. 11. y State would suggaatthat 1i-sc piinary' utl or #ios shouldendeavourto maintain a st: d d�p act3 - in this matter, and that th�v'should avoid lmposing fines which arq *' o te n �.m i t tha th tut l effect oithe lowest eduotio in pay which �t has - _ ,. ' itherto beon thair p i i'd 'to�-:mposs; - �__, the - - -.� � The attention u" the forcoshouldbe drawain gon a1 orderst�/Act and the Ru1�s. 8 the sacretaryof statohas already announced.,he pr�pobes to ihti'oduca systom of appeal for membersaf the Pgl,ido War P.esorveand whole-timespoaialConstabl son ... the sa lines as that for 1;ki&polico . f tla i wi11 be issued on thie subjoot a BOQD as�poss ble, :. P i ted �opiqs �f =th Rules will be birculated ii� due course. . � _ . . Iam; i�s... _ Tho Clork to.-tho P0866 th �it ,' ` -. :� Your o d ont servant� The Chief Co s blo. (Sigmd) 'A. S �..xwe11, ' .. : Exteriuionof r ight of App1 to seoretary , f state. 17 & 18 Goou5 o. 19. p- - . .'. . .- ��6 : . � ( .. , -,- .,. � �� khdrt title, citntionand � ,' saving. ' � hr il,ctto n 'svn.' , T 1EPQLi ' (APPE LS) R TiS; 19431 ATED MARCHlltho' 1943, MADEHY.�T D.SECRETARYOF� STATE UNDERT11FPOLICT (APPre1IS) 1 CTS, 1927 AND 1943 (17 88 GEO� 5� C, 19 aid & 7 _ GEO. 6. C '). :T_n purs ca of the powersoonferredupon mo by soction'4of the,Police (Appeals) ' Act0 1927,,I ho_ by o the followingRu1es:- ' 1. .ThoseRules shall applyt� all appeals by member of a polico forcoin`E 1a d c Wa1e undorthu Po].i e(A�no ls)Act; 1 27,as amoi dcdb y tho Polico (Appouls) not 19s3 -whichformcr _ct,as'so'a i dod,is horo''aftirin those Ru1os referrodto'o.s "theAct" ' ' .- , w} �'e th t'word occurs for tho seoond t,ime,there shai1 be sert dthe woyds-2'(Whothermoie or +j�" s e ';.";, . - , _ . . , .. (d) in subsaction(4) o� tl e's idsodtion tw , aftertho word `t�o.ces' t cro s .a1.. be insorbed tha w4rds �or in his -' .` rank'?,and afterthe word " o vod" th�r sha11bo-.ihsoxted th .word "�in the force or in that rank, as tho case may` a fp � , ' '- ^or required to resign,� th�r _sha11 b e subst t od=th .word"pu eod�. ,... . : , 2 -(1 .Th sAdt msy �e citod s the Pol co'(Appaal ) Act- 19�3, nd this Ait and the Polic (Appeals)Act, 1927,'maybo citedt g�tharas the Pol co'(Appeals)'Acts, 1927 nd 19430. . .- ... (2).No'! ing in thisAct ehall,boconstrued" affecting any p ii h io t w rdod before the pa s 5 g'of this Act . ? ` 3 ., G.0 .N0.11� - . . �,3 ., . . the Sccrot r�of St .tea notice f ittthe Schoduloto t�e said form; , . (2) Tho noticeof appealsha11be sent to -.*+Secrotaryo� Statewithint&i days fror ,tho d t� vhe the appollant r coiv d o , misconduct f 'lia tho notification of tho docicior;against whioh ho desires t.. .poal: , :Provided thc,t whoro thc 8cc & o� Stuo is sat�sf8od, on tho appllc t o n of the.appeLlant;that by roason =''tho special c cumsta cos of tho case it is jusb azidright that an appeal s '+d be octet-tamedaftorthc expirationo� the poriod for � sa�d;. h notiee of x.ppe:' shall bc sont to th Soeretary of Stato b y suoh dnto as he may �pomloe. � roo dism e ed' required to 'resign" fr:�m thab foroe : � (reducod in rank to, .� ' (reducedin rate 6f pay,to' ' Give' r me aid number a� 'punla �d � bei g Om i What ii �nnooeeeary, on the groundthdt Vire stabo� ', the �harge or charges � undertho Code . of . ieo1p11 e, or auoh other- . grounds,1f ant, were g1 ven fgr the'punishmezTb Y reo�ivod otifioationof th .d�oi@i�n:o .... , , � and aoknowffiedg dhavingre d tho decla�ano i ' ..........,. .....,,e.-..:. 61ve dat a� I de, roto appealagainstthe eaidflnding'a dpunlahmont , . pu l ehment . . . T(deslr� to submitadditional vld oenat .. (do not d�alr takeh lnto ooneldex ti nat the hearingo,fth ohargo(e). a;alnstme. . . . I a oex� ' (1) a�oon�ieeetatemenb(markadA)of the gr�u ds'on Which . 2 desire,toappeal: - . . 11et (merkedB of the do ume. t� 1� any, (otherthan documentsproduoedat the hearingof th� oh rg�)wh3oh I deeireto submits' . ' 1 a list (markedC) of the namosand addreee�s�oPwltneaeee I deslreto a11'with a conciseetntement'afthe 'material faotewhl�h eaoh euohwitnosswill prooe�" . �t th ' ato'oawhioh I was so punishedI w e 1 roceiptof : : yat the t of � (per week (per m eo pu ie d2 was suspendedon the day of: 19 at whlch I waa 1n reoelptof pay at the rate _. of z .�per week . . ( pe annum + , Wh11� suspended2 reoelv da s�spenai nallowanceat the rato o�� z s I (per wed (per � ' . Om1t the lt atle which dooe not apply. Omitany part of 1i 1a para. whloh d9oe, not app].y. O it if �here was a period . o�, suipebsion lmmadlatoly prio ' to the niehment t 1f ther was period of vsp�naion i Io di te 1 priorto the . punidhmeob Om1tthe alt�rnative wioh doeb ' not apply. (2) before being late � C M � - . . G.D. ' 11/4'. 04t the f ' - $-k4 ? t fi � mt 4 of 4lt t� .....' ?',.!; .. 't '... ) ,... . . .. which does us & -� s d du d- k 1n my .t'pproveL v� t' � foi, . q ' . ', $ . I �4 I I t� rthtt-i' Nil ` � trae Co�y of this notice of appeal, i Q.i.v'a t tt dwg-'-th ing t't n? t(s), h-s bqcn sent to '� h nt. as or on behalf of the d t on .. ..- ...- t v4i h " . . . � � Bignituxe