Force Orders 1943_08 X NuM 8 1st Marchf 1943. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO D2VISIONAL AND STATION OFFICES. The ChiefConstableeendsherewi.tha copy of Home Officeletter No. 659,462/72 .ted20th February,1943 and of the enclosure. /• / . CHIEFCONSTABLE. COPY 659,462/72. HOME OFFICE, W ITEHALL,8.W.1. 20th February,1943. Sir, • I am directedby the Secretaryof State to enclosefor your information a oopy o£ a letterwhichhas been sentto the Secretaryof the NationalCommittee of the AuxiliaryPoliceAssociationia connectionv+ithcertainreferenoesto PoliceAuxiliariesin the ainua1ReportoP the Jo1nt CentralCommitteeof the PoliceFederation,and to requestthat you will bringthe letterto the noticeof membersof your forceby publicationin PoliceOrders. I am,.Sir, Your obedientServant, The ChiefConstable. (Sgd.)A.Maxwell. •COPY 659,462/72 The Secretary, NationalCommS.tteeoY the Auxiliary Police Association, Bow t éet P i .céStation,W.C.2. 20th February,1943. I am directedby the Secretaryof Stateto referto the Resolution forwardedwith your letterof the 1st January,1943,relatingto certalnreferences to PoliceAuxiliariesin the Reportof the Joint CentralCommitteeof the Police Federation,and to say that his attentionhad alreadybeen drawnto these references. The Secretaryof State stronglydeprecatesthe passages1n questionas being1iableto createmieapprehensionas to the positionof the Auxiliariesand as to the relationsbetweenthe Regularand Auxiliarybranohesof the PoliceForce.He, 3s, however,confidentthat the membereof the RegularForce1n generalaxe fully aware— as is the public— thatunder war conditlonsthe assistanceof Auxiliary Policeappointedfor the periodof the war is essentialin the nationalinterest, and that thereis no fai.lureto recogniaethe va1ueof the work done by them. The succeesfulperformanceby the Po11ceof the onerousdutieswhich the stressof war has broughtupon them has been largelydue to the harmoniousco— operationbetweenthe Regularand the AuxiliaryPo11ce.The Regularand the Auxiliaryare memberaof one @erviceengagedin a commonendeavourto renderthe fullestmeasureof help to the war effort.Each branchof the Serviceneedsthe help of the otherin orderthat the PoliceForceas a wholemay carryout their publicdutieeunderwar conditiona. Copiesof thisletterare being forwardedto eachChiefConstablein Englandaad Wa1ea,with a requestthat it may be broughtto the aoticeof inembers of his Force by publication1n Po11ceOrders. (Sgd.)A.Maxwell.