Force Orders 1942_35 X TO BE C2RCULATEDTO ALL RANKSOF THE CHESHIRECONSTABUL IRY BOTH REGULARAND AUXILIARY . No. 35• 18thDecember,1942. PLEASESEE FOOTNOTE . The followingmeesageto a11 rankeo£ theRagularand Auxlliary PoliceForceehae beenreceivedfromthe secretaryof State:- ChiefConstableo£ Cheahira. "It ie withgreatpleasurethatoncaagainI aenda Chrietmae messageto thePoliceServiceof EnglandandWa1ee. We can lookbackon 1942aithpridein the achievementeoY our fightingforcesand theircomradeso£ the UnitedNatione,andwe are entitledto 1ookforwardto the futurewith eoberconfidance.But we muetnot underestlmatethemagnitudeof the taekwhich t 11lieebe£oreue, nor muatwe re1axour effortsand'eopoetponeultimatee.ndtotalvictory. For thepoliceae a whole,1942hae beenlesseventfultha the precedingyeare,when theyeharedeo notablyin the defeatof the Luftwaf£e, but in the smallerecaleraideof thè preeentyeartheyhavemaintainedthe high etandardwhichtheyhave eet for themselves.Meanwhile,theirday to day duties` havebeen carriedoutwith the unobtrusivefficiencyand courtesywhichthe nationie accuetomedto expectof its police,and,monotonoueand humdrum thoughthesèdutiesmay sometimesseem,theytoo are o£ vitalimportancefor securingthe orderedconditionewhichare essentialto the amoothrunning of our great'wareffort. A11 o£ you,regulara,auxiliariesand SpecialConetablee,paid and unpaid,men,womenand boye,are partnerein a greateervicewith a fice traditionto inepir®you,and I takethieopportunitoyf congratulatinygou againón the courageand devotionto dutywhichyou haveshownduringthree yearsoP wer,in the confidencethatyou wi11 ehowyoureelvaeno laee®qual to any new demandewhichthe futuremay bring. I sendto you a11, to yourfamiliesand friende,and to your collaagueenow servingin H. . Forceaat homeand overeeae,my sincereat wiehaefor a HappyChristmasand New Year. December,1942r (Signed)HerbartMorrison. FOOTNOTE:Two copieso£ thisGeneralOräerare beingissuedto Divieional Headquartersand 5tationOfficeeto a11owone copyto be filedand the other to be postedup at a11 Policestationswherethe attentionof a11 concerned shouldbe drawnto themeeéag : :w