Force Orders 1942_34 X TO BE CIRCIILATED TO NCLiBER34. ALL RANKS. 16th. December, 1942. The Chief Constablewishee a11 macben of the Cheshire Constabularyand their femiliésthe Se son's Greetings. vrithso many sar ngwith the Forces, with ao many dear ones away from home, with ao much tragedy in the world it is difficult to contemplate a Merry Christmas,though it rests with ua to make 3t a season of Goodwill aad we can bring happiness to the 1ittle fo1k. Let us do this. The Police, the First Police Reserve, the Police War Reserve, the Mobile 5pecial Constabulary,the County A.R.P. RBserve, and the Foot Specials, Bave a11 performedtheir dutieswe11 and have never failed to carry out whatever duties they have been asked to parform. I thqnk you a11. 2n reviewingthe altuationit is c1ear that the Battle of Br t n first m3de victory possible. Russia'a asslstancegave aesurance of victory, American interventionmade assurance doubly sure. There wi11 be muoh hard fightingand hard times before that Uictory is won, and to my mind it is imperativethat we determinenot to re1ax our efforts and keep ourselves keyed up to meet whatever blows may be dealt us. There is no more dangerousanimal than t he wounded tiger, amd we should be fooliah 1P we expectedome of the greatest gamblers in history to succumb withovt trying some desperateventure. Lat us resolve, therefore,to avoid complaoencyand to counteract it wherever we meet it. I face the futurewith confidence,for I kuow whatever may be the circumstancesyou wi11 acquit yourselveswe11. To one and a11 the Chief Constabletenders h1s bast wishes and he hopes for the safe return of thoae dear ones who are away. . Chiaf Constable.