Force Orders 1942_33 X TO BE CIRCULATEDTO NQMBEB.• i. DIYISIONALHEADQUARTEB.9. 27TH. NOYF dBER.,1942. SPECIALCONSTABULARY. The undermaitionedare promotedto the rankof 5ergeantwith effectfrom 27th November,1942; . AltrinchamDivis3on.- Mqb}1eSection. No. S.C. .25, Acting sergeant Arthur Baden Bonwick No. S.C. 16, " ° Cyri1Hammer ley Dnki.nfield Di .s a - Mobile Section, No. S.C. 94, ActingSergeantFrancisKar1 Birkett. No. S.C. 48, ConstableJoha AlexanderChr3st3e. No. S.C. 48, SergeantJohn A1exanderChristiewill act as assistantto S.C. InspectorJamesBertramPimlott, Veadquarters- Mere, and wi11 remainon the Strength of DukinfieldDivisioa. /d ,fT . CHIEFCONSTABLE.