Force Orders 1942_31 X GENERAL 0 R D E R. No. $1. 12thNovember,1942. TO BE C2RCULATEDTO ALL RANKS. R' 3QOV I.EXPENSFâONTRANSFFR. Referringto GeneralOrderNo. 29 dated26thOctober,1942, Itwi11 be understoodthatbeforeany expenseis incurredin consequenoe of a transfexa report,acoompaniedby estimates,givingfu11 particularsas to what extraexpenseis nvolvedwi11 be submittedto this offioe. Superintendentwsi11 carefullyoheokthe reportand certii as follawee- "2 herebyoertifythat 2 have oarefullyexaminedthisreportand checkedthe particularsreportedthereinand anasatisfiedthatthe euggestedexpenditureie definitely3ncurredthroughthe transferof -.NumberRankand N e ° It will be distinctlyunderstoodthat it is not iate e that d1è e liaoo 'black-out' curtaiasare requiredto be replaced, on accountof uaage,thata allowancewill be made for replacements. T/32c 4?. ChiefConstable.