Force Orders 1942_29 X No.29. 26th. Ootober, 1942. Su. Rn.n G•o.31 4 TO BE C1RCULATEDTO ALL tAI 3. At a Stand3agJo1atComm3tteeont he 24th.Ootober,1942,it wae reaolyed thAt 'chai a Police Offlcer 1a ordered to emo e from oae Po11oe 5ta oa to another then he shouldbe grantedcertainmonieatowardsaayadditioaalexpeaeewhichthat movemay cauaeh1m. . A Constablecaa be allowedup to £6.10.Od,a Sergeant£8, ea Inq sabirfrem £11.10.Odto £16,and a Superintendent aad atherRacksup to £21. This doesnot meanthatthesesumsof moaeywi11be automat3ca11y paldon everyremovalbat 1t doeemeaathat if a Po11caOFficeria putto an addltlonalexpeaeethrougha removalead that the ChiefCoastableie eatiefiedthat thatexpeneehaabeem reasonablyeatalledtheathe Ch3efConstableie authorisedto compeneatea Police OfSiceras aforeaaid. . . 2P aa Offic®riemovedat hie own requestor throughhie own defaulthe isaot elig3blefor th3e ooaoeesioa: 1n eaohcasebi11sw111 aeeto be eubmittedPor the artioleapurchasedand Sup rintend atw ill certifythat in th®1ropin3onthesxtra expeaditurweas necessary. The Chid' Coaetable feels eure that members of the Force will apprea3ate this concessionaad he aeedaot anphaaieehow important3t 1e that it ehouldaotbe abueedeadthatno uureaeonableexpeaditureshouldbe soughtto be oompensatedfor. ChiefConstableof Cheehire.