Force Orders 1942_28 X ( No.ze TO BE CIRCUL4TEDTO DIV2SIONAL AND STAT20NOFFICES. OFFICIAI. NOTE BOOKS - EN4lUIRIES. Whenevër an enquiry is handed to a junior officer by a senior officer the senior affioerwhofirst gives the instructionsfor the enquiry to be onde wi11 be neid responsiblethat such enquiry is completedby the Constable concernedand his reporb'handedin. Similarlywhenever a senior officer gives a verbal order for a particularduty to be oarried out that officerw111 be responsible£or seeing that his orders are carried out and not hand his responsibi ityto another officer. For instance in the case of a town beat where there is more than oie sergeantthe sergeantwho first deals with the matter wi11 be held responsiblefor seeing that the enquiry is completedas ear1y aa possible. In other words the matter wi11 be dt witn by one particular sergeantand constable. In co e t onw$ h thia mstter a book wi11 be kept in which wi11 be entered the particularsof doc'mieotshanded out for enquiryand columns vr111beheaded as followso - Date ,Date Purport of Officer Date ece ed.handed To whom given, document, banding document out. out enquiry. returned. RECEIPTOF CASH A11 ranks are reminded of the necessityfor strict complianoewith Standing General Order No.'90 dated 6th. Apr11, 1911 which la d down that whenever members of the Conslabularyother than Superintea3entsand Divisional 0£fice Clerks receive oash on behalf of the public or Police accounts they wi11 inaariàblyenter tRe fact in their official notebooks on the date of receipt showing clearly the amount, from whom received, and briefly what it is for. When the money is paid over to Super ntendents,or other persons, an entry to that effect wi11 also be made 1n tne official notebook. ChiefConstableo£ Cheshire.