Force Orders 1942_18 X ; NUMBERz8. 22adJune.1942. TO BE CIRCQL TETDC ALLRANKS. In a receatcaseof indecentassaultoa a nunberof children,it was elicitedfrom eachch:i]b.yd Counselfor the Dëfea ethatthe Gonstablein the caae,whenobtainingstatementef o them,had askedthe followingquestlons: "DidMx. % put hia handsup yourlmickere?" "Didyou eeM . % do thisto any otherchlldrea?" "Haa M . % everkissedyou?" "HaaD7r.% everkissedany othergirls?" 2n answerto Counselthe c ildrensaidthatto eachquestionthey replied"Yes"to thePoliceConstable,aad in•almosta11 the casesthey admittedthattheyh&i madeao prevlouecomplaintand thatthe first informationtheyhad givenwas theirrep1yto the Constable'squestions. If the childrenweretrathful,theprocedurein thiscaaewas wrong and was opeato attaekon Policeprocedure3a obtalniagevidence.Had the cade been triedit wouldhaverightlyjustifiedth®Jutq3n flndinga'verdictoP . "ttot Guilty". The Chief Coastabledirectsthatwhenobtaiaings,.tatemeaftrsom witnesses,adultsor youngchildren,leading"questlo,adellaot be asked. Evidencecan easilybe obtainedfromwitnesseswithoutaskingquestionsthe replyto whiohis the decidingfactorwhethera crimehae beeacommittedor not. In thiscasea queetionto the childrensuchaa lWhathappenedwhen you werein the.roomwithMy. %" shouldbriagforthall thatthe childknows. If the childdoeanot allegean indecentact, the mattermust restthere.A leadingquestionto try and get a witnessto make a damagingstatecentis wroagand daagerousand moreovervaluelessa'sevidence. / 1L ChiefConstab3e .