Force Orders 1942_12 X No. 12. 22nd Apri1,1942. TO BE CIRCULATF.DTO DIVISIONAL VEADQUARTERkANDHEADQUARTERS OF THE CIVILDEFEtdCERESERVE. The Chief Constablehas acceptedwith regretthe reeignationof ChiefInspectorJ. Kershawfrcm the CheshirekpecialConstabulary CivilDe£enceReserve,owingto his being£u11yemployedon work of nationalimportance. The ChiefConstablewishesto placeon reoordhis appreciationof the servicesof ChiefInspectorKershaw. It was due to his inception that thisvaluableunit came into existenceand the enormousamount of work whichhe put into the organisationhas playedno sma11part in makingthe CheshireSpecialConstabularyCivi1DefenceReservethe valuableunit which i.tis. ChiefConstable.