Force Orders 1942_08 X T o BE CIRCULATED TO NUMIiER8. 2VISIONAhHF UQUARTERS. 30TH PJAR i, 1942. SPECIALCONSTABULARY. The undermetttionedmemberof the SpacialConstabuls.ryis promotedto the rank of Sergeantwith effectfrom 30th March,1942: Wirral Division. New Ferry.Sect on. No. 1247 SpecialConstableHarryFletcher. The undermentionedmembero£ the 5pecialConstabularyis promotedto the rank of ActingSergeantwith effectfrom 30th March,19420 RuncornDivision. 5tocktonHeath Section. No. 858 SpecialConstableCharlesEdwinYtood. av./& . CH2F,FCONSTABLE