X No. 7. TO BE CIHCU2 TEDTO ALI, R11NKS. MEDICALSERVICES. Whenever a constable on the sick list 1s visited by a Liedical Practitionar,a note will be made in his official Notebook statingthe time and date he was visited by the Dootor. e wi11 also etate in his Notebook w at examinationwas carried out by the Doctor, what insbruotions were given, and whether medicinewas supplied. S1mi1arly,when the constable is on "B4edicineand Duty" he wi11 enter in his offic3al Notebook the time and date he visits the Surgery of the Doctor, whether an examinationwas made, what instructionswere given, and whether medicine was supplied. Assi9. aq ' ief Constable. COEBTER. 24th. blarch, 1942. f