Force Orders 1942_01 X i TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL A NKS. NUMBER1. PREPAF.ATIONOF CR2 iINAL CASES. For some considerabletimetherehas been increasingslacknessin the }reparationo£ criminalcaseswhichare 1ikelyto be committedfor trial,or whichhave to be forwardedto the Directorof PublicProsecùt ons,or whichare submittedto the ChiefConstablefor instructions. The procedürefor preparinga case whichis 1ikelyto be committedfor trialis definedin S(tettdingOrder145 and as a mattero£ coursea casewhich has to be forwardedto the Directorâ PublicProsecutionsfor his consentto proceedings,or is submittedto the ChiefConstablefor instructionsmust be yrepared in accordance with this Standing Order. The analysisreferredto in Paragraph(d) of StandingOrder145 is very rarelyattachedto the Fi1e,statementsare not checkedto find discrepancies in the evidenceof witnessesand thereappearsto be a completedisregardin some Divisionsi'orthe carryingout o£ the StandingOrder145. • T'heChiefConstabledirectsthat the Fi1eein all casesre£erredto abovewi11 be exam edby Superintendentsto ensurethat StandingOrder145 has been compliedwith beforeeubmittingthe case to the ChiefConstable. The procedurefor casescommittedfor trialis definedia Standing Order146 whichmust be compliedwith when the case has been committedfor trial. Sergeantswill be deemedresponsiblethat StandingOrder145 is compliedwith beforesubmittingthe papersto the Superintendent,ther forethey would be well advisedto instructat once a11 thoseunder theircommandin the instractionslaid down in StandingOrder145. J 'I . CHIEFCONSTABLEOF CHESHÎRE. CHESTER.' 13th January.1942.