Force Orders 1941_40 X 4 No.aO. 19th.Dec nbar,1941. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKS OF THE CftESHIRECONSTABULAEY. The ChiefConstablewishes a11 members of the CheahireConstabulary aad their familieethe Seasoa's Greetings. With eo much tragedy,sorrowan d anxiety a11 around us we cannot contemplatea Merry Christmas,thoughwe can make it a Seasonof Goodwilland do what we can to bring happ3néss to the 1ittle fo1k. Let us do this. Duringthe lastyearthe Policehave performedmaay oaeroue dutiee; ave bad long hoursand in many parte of the Countyhave had to facethe grim realities of war. No matterwhat the duties or dangershave been theyhave acquittedthemselveswe11. I thankyou and am proudof you. The FirstPoliceReservean d the PoliceW ar Reserve have mai t. ed the best traditionsof the Cheshire Constabulary. I th&,,Ife11doael The Mob11e SpeoialCons6abulary have earned a greatname for themselves they have been entrustedwith many differentkindso£ specialduties,for example, in chargeof Rest Centresand Convoys, actingaa Liaison Officers and other imporbantduties. Thi not on1y showstheir efficiencybut 1e evidenoeof the confidencewhich I have in them. I congratulatethem on the efficiaxcywhich they , have attainedin a dlfficultprofesslonand Ith nkthem for their devoted an d 1oya1 service. The CountyA.R.P.Reserve of Special Consbableshave attalneda degree of effic3encywhichthey can we11 be proud of. They have beea given respoas3ble aad lmgórt t duties to perform at F'rodsham, which should convince them of the coafidencewhich 2 bave ia them. 2 congratulatethem on the3refficiencyand thank them for a11 they have doneand are doiag. . The Foot Specialsare now an lntegralpart of the Foroe. They bave performedtheir dutieewith a devotionto duty that is most praleeworthy.They are a body o£ men o£ whom 2 am very proud. I oongratulatethem on the ef£loienoywhiah they have attainedend thankthan for their valuable serfices. . I face the futurewith confidence,£or I kmow whatever may b® the c3rcumstaaoeayou wi11 acquityourselveswa11. To oae an d a11 the ChiefConstabletendershis bestwishes. '!' / Y Chief Constable o£ Cheshirao