Force Orders 1941_39 X f TO BE C cu DTO ALLRANKS No. 39. OF THECHESH2RECONSTABULARY BOTHREGULARAND AUXILIARY. - 19th. December,194-1. The foUowing messageto a11 ranksof the Regalarand Auxiliary PoliceForceshas been receivedfrom the Secretaryof State:— ChiefConstableof Cheshire. "I sendmy cerewishesfor a happy Christmasand New Year to a11 members o£ police forées in England and P1a1es, the Police Yar Reserve and the SpecialConstabulary,to theirwivesand families,and to the womenand the boys who are workingside by sidewith them in the Women'sAuxiliaryPoliceCorps and the PoliceAuxlliaryNessengerService. 2 sendthe samegreetingto the policeofficersand SpecialConstableswho are servingtheircountry1n the Armed Forcesof the Crown,and to theirfamilies. ChriStmasmeansmuch to a11 of us. In time of war we may miss some o£ the traditionalgood cheer,and the familycircleroundthe hearthmay be brokenby the absence.of5omemembera. But we shallmake the most of it; and 1et it be a reminderto us of the thingsfor whichwe are fightingin thiswar againstaggression,1awlessnessand tyra y. Christmasstands£or peaceand good will amongstmen, £or neighbourlinessand charity,for the home and family 1ife. The Nazi spiritis the antithesisof the Chrlstmasspirit,and it will be a sad Christmasindeed£or the millionswho,are sufferingunderHitler's yoke,a seasonof gloomrelievedon1yby the hope of an A11iedvictorywhich xi11 reetorecivilisationto occupiedEurope. Throughoutthe war the Britishpolicehave fullyjustifiedthe high reputationwhich theyenjoya11 over the wotld,and I like to thinkthat the contrast betweenour Britishway of life and the way o£ lifewhichthe,Naziswouldimpose oa us is symbolisedby the contrastbetweenour police,the trústedguardians of the peaceof a£ eé democracy,and the Gestapo,the toolso£ a.crue1oligarchy, hatedand fearedeveriby theirown countrymen.2£ee1 surethat whatevertrials the New Yearmay bringyou will remainsteadfastto the greattraditionof serviceto the publicwhichyou have inheritedfr m yourpredecessors. (Signed) °HERBERTMORRISON".