Force Orders 1941_38 X ( No. 38. 10th. Deoemlar, 1941. TO EE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKS OF THE CHESAIRBCONSTABIILARY. The Chief Constableregrets to have to eay 'ttiat he has today dismisseda Constablefrom tna Foroe for makd.ngÝaise statemeatsin an OffiaialReport as we11 as false statementsin a report,and lying to nis Sergeant. Toe C eY Constablewianea 5enior OfY'icera,wxtencomplying witu tne last paragrapnof Generai Order No. 2$ of 31at. May, 1941,to empiasizetnat sincetnat Order tnere cave been two dismissalsfrom toe Força £or Ya1se reports. Toey saou.Ldalao empnasizetnat tne Chief Constablehas a duty to membera of tne Public and tnat e cas to safeguardtoeir interests. A Constablewho lies is in t e opinion o£ tne Chief Constablea danger to toe communityaid eo unfit £or tne Police Service. , ChierConstableof Cheshire.