Force Orders 1941_35 X r, GENERALORDERNo. 35. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONALHEADqUARTERS AND STATIONOFF2CESAND A COPYTO BE SENTTO EACH MEMBEROF THE POLICE WAR RESERVE. FOR IATIONOF AU %ILIARYPOL2CEAS50C8 TION. The followingcopy o£ a Home OfficeCircular,includingthe Appendix, is issuedfor information.Superintendentswi.11make sure eachmemberof the PoliceWar Reserveis suppliedwith a copy. Extracopieaare issuedfor the purpose. EveryPoliceWar Reservewill reportthroughhis 9uperintendent whetherhe 'vishesto join the Association.The rep.ortsshouldreachthis office not later than15th.November,1941. A11 PoliceYParReserveswishingto join the Associationwillparadeat Divisionalfteadquarters,NantwichRoad,Crewe, at 1.50pm.on Wednesday,19th.November,1941. The electionof the Aux liaryPoliceLoca1Committeewill be held at 2pm. The firstmeetingof the Committeewill be held immediatelyafterwards.SuperintendentBracegirdlewUl take chargeof the proceedingsin accordancewith the termsof the Home Office Circular. • , Chief Constable. CHESTER. 7th.November.1941. COPY. HOME OFFICE, . 388,015/49. iV EIiALL. 16th Octo e , 1941. Sir, I am directedby the Secretaryof Stateto say thathe has come ' to the conclusionthat thereshouldbe somemachineryfor enabling membersof the PoliceVParReserveand whole—timeSpeclalConstablés ' to make representationsto theirChiefConstablesand to the Secretary of Stateon mattersrelatingto the welfareand efflciencyof the Reserveand of whole—tlmeSpecialConstablesotherthan questionsof disciplineaffectingindividuals.The proposedmachineryis described 1n the Appendixto this circular,and the Secretaryof Statewouldbe glad 1f ChiefConstableswouldtake the necessarystepsto set it up -2— Number35 (Continued). ia thelrpolicedistricts.The machineryshouldbe broughtto the noticeof a11 memberaof the Reservebut it shouldbe made clear that thereis no compulsionupon PoliceWar Reservesor whole— time SpecialConstablesto join the new Association,and that the on1ypermissiblechannelof representationon matters arisingout of pollceservicewiU be throughthe Loca1and National Committees. As you will be aware,Regulation40 AC of the DefenceRegulations providesthat Section2 of the Po13ceAct, 1919, sha11not applyto constablesappointedfor serviceduringa periodof nationalemergency on1y. Membersof the Po11ceVYarReserve,and whole—timespecial Constablesare not, debarredfrom belongi.ngto tradeunions,and the creationof the new machinery£or the purposeof dealingwith queetions connectedwith theirpoliceservicedoes not affecttheir13bertyto belongto tradeunionsfor otherpurposes. I am, Sir, Your obedientServant, The ChiefConstable. (SGD.) A. .ax . ., A P P E N D I%. For the purposeo£ enablingthe membersof the Po11cei4arReserveand whole—timeSpecialConstablesto considerand bringto the noticeof ChiefOfficersof Policeand the Secretaryof Statea11 mattersaffecting theirwelfareand efficiency,otherthan questionsof discipline affectingindividuals,thereshallbe establishedan organisationto be calledthe AuxiliaryPoliceAssociatlon,whichshallact through 1oca1 and centralrepreaentativebodiesaa providedin the following paragraphs. In eachForcethere shallbe an Ar,xiliaryPoliceLoca1 Committee, 1n each Civi1DefenceRegionan AusiliaryPoliceRegionalConference, and for the membersof the Police'VarReserve,and whole—timeSpecial Constablesof a11 forcesin Englandand Wa1ee an AuxiliaryPoliceNational Committee,electedin accordancewith the proceduredescribedbelow. AuxiliaryPol .ceLoca1 Committees. i9herethe approvedestablishmentof the PoliceWar Reserveand whole— time SpecialConstablesdoes not exceedse en,all the servingmembers ah i form the Loca1Commlttee.YVhereit exceedssevenbut doee not exceed ninety—nine,the servingmembersshallelectfrom amongsttheirlumber a Loca1 Committeeof four members;where the approvedestablishment exceedsninety— inethe niunberof inembersof the Loca1Committeesha11 be increasedby an additionaltwo for each completefiftybeyondthe first fifty,subject#o a maYimum o£ eightadditionalmemberso Providedthat in the caseof the MetropolitanPo11ceForceand any otherpoliceforcecontainingmore than four divisionsthe Loca1Committee sha11consistof one memberPor each divisionelectedby the membersof the Po11cewar Reserveand whole—timeSpecialConstablesbelongingto that Division. Subjectaa aforesaid,all servingmemberof the PoliceS'ParReserve Number35 (Continued). and whole—timekpecialConstablesshallbe entitledto vote at the electionof the Loca1Committeefor the forceto whichtheybelong. Flectionsto Loca1Committeesshalltake placeannuallyin November. The ChiefOfficerof Policeshallbe e ponai lefor the arrangemants for thé first election. Subsequentlythe retiringCommitteesha11be responsible.The Committeeshalldetermi.nethe mannerin whichcasual vacancieson the Committeeare to be filled. The Clef Officerof Policeor a seniorpoliceofficerdesignated by him sha11presideat the firatmeetingof the Loca1 Commltteeuntil it has electeda Chairmanand Secretary,and shalltaxenwlthdraw. 5ubjectto thls the Committeeshalldetermineits own procedure. Loca1 Committeesmay hold four quarterlymeetings,but addit oal meetingefor any specialpurpoaemay be held with the consentof the ChiefOfficerof Police. No meeti gsmay extendover more than one day withoutthe permiesionof the ChiefOfficerof Police. The 1oca1 Committeemay submitrepresentationsto the ChiefOfficer of Policeon any matterconcerningthe welfareand efficiencyof the PoliceWar Reserveand whole—timeSpecialConstablesotherthan questions of discipl3neaffectingindividuals.Representat3onsby the Committee shallbe in writing,but the Committeemay, with the consentof the Chief Officerof Police,send to him a deputation,of suchnumberas he may decide,to make vertrelrepresentationsregardingany urgentor 3.mportant I matter,the natureof whichshallbe statedin the applicatiohfor consent. Each Loca1Committeesha11electfrom amongsttheirnumberdelegates to the Aux liarÿPoliceRegionalConference£or the CivilDefenceRegion withinwhich the forceis situated. 7Vherethe approvedestablishmentof the PoliceR'arReserveor whole—timespecialConstablesdoesaot exceed ona hundredand ninetynine,one delegateshallbe elected. One additional delegateshallbe electedfor each complete±hundredbeyondthe first hundred,subjectto maxi mum of eightdelegatesfor any one force. The RegionalConferencefor No. 5 Civil DefenceRegionshallconsistoî the AuxiliaryPoliceLoca1Committeefor the MetropolitanPoliceForceand five delegateselectedby the AuxiliaryPoliceLoca1Commltteeof the City of LondonPoliceForce. AuxiliaryPoliceReki.onalConferencea. The functionof the AuxiliaryPoliceRegionalConferenceshallbe to electfromamongsttheira be :membe aof the Aux9liaryPoliceNational Committee.The Conferencemay aot submitrepresentationsto the Secretary o£ Stateor to any ChiefOfficero£ Policeor otherwise. Each ReglonalConferenceeha11meet anniwllyin December,but extraordinarymeetingsto fi11 va anciesmay be held with the approva1of the Secretaryof Stateon writtenapplicationby at leastfive delegates throughthe Secretaryo£ the Conference.The RegionalPoliceStaffOfficer sha17arsangefor the Conferenceto meet at a suitablepoliceheadquarters in the Regionand sha11presideat the firstmeetingof the Conference until the delegateshave electeda Chairmanand Secretaryand sha11then withdra'y.Subsequentlythe Conferenceshalldetermineits own procedure, subjectto the provisionsof paragraph17 hereof. Number35 (Continued). 11. Each RegionalConference,exceptthe RegionalConferencesfor No. 5 and No. 10 Civi1DefenceRegions,shallelecttwo delegatesto be membersof the AuxillaryPoliceNationalCommittee.The Regional Conferencefor No. 10. Civi1DefenceRegionsha11electthreedelegates, •andthe RegionalConferencefor No. 5 Civ3].DefenceRegionsix delegates, one of whom shallbe a delegateof the City o£ LondonLoca1Auxiliary Pol ceCommittee,to be memberso£ that Commlttee. 12.—(1)No. 5 Civi1 DefenceRegionshallbe deemedto coneistof the Cïty of London,aa definedfor the pnrposesof the Actsrelatingto the City police,and the Metropolitanpolicedietrict. Thoseparts of No. 5 Civi1DefenceRegionwhichare in any otherpolicearea sha11 be deemedto be situatedin the Civi1DefenceRegionin whibhthe remainder6f that policearea is situated. (2) In this paragraphthe expression°policearea"has the meaning assignedto it by Section30 of the PolicePensionsAct,1921. The A .l a pPoliceNationalCommittee. The AuxiliaryPoliceNationalCommitteemay hold meetingaonce in everythreemonths,eachlastingnot longerthan one day, but additional meetlagsfor specialpurposesmay be held with the consentof the Secretary of State. Acc odationfor the meetingswill be providedby the Secretary of State. The NationalCommitteeshallappointa Chairmattand a Secretary. It shalldetermineits ow procedure. The NationalCommitteemay eubmitresolutionsin writingto the Secretaryof Stateon mattersaffectingthe welfareand efficiencyof the PoliceYParReserve,and whole—t3meSpecialConstablesotherwisethaID questionsof disciplineaffectingindividuals. General. 'TheLoça1Committee,RegionalConferences,and NationalCommittee shallbe entirelyindependentof and unassociatedwith any bbdy or pereon outsidethe policeservice. - 111 electionsshallbe by secretballotand the provisionso£ the Ba11otAct, 1872,for securingsecrecyand freedomfrom inter£erence in votingaa set out nd adaptedin the firstparagrap}of Part O of the Scheduleto the PoliceAct, 1919, shallapply in respectof all elections. '18. •Attendanceat meetingsof Loca1Committees,RegionalConferences, and the NationalCommitteesha11be subjectto the exigenciesof the police serviceand shallbe regardedas a policeduty. Memberssha11be entitled to allowancesin respecto£ such duty in accordancewith the Temporary Constables( e gency)Ru1es,1941, as amendedby any subsequentru1es, or the SpecialConstablesOrder,1923,as amendedby any subseqae t Order,as the casemay be. 19. The Loca1Cammittees,RegionalConferences,and NationalCommittee may not 1evy contributionsoa membereof the PoliceVParReserveand whole— time SpecialConstables.Travellingexpensesand allowancesand reasonable expenditureincurredby the Loca1Committeesha11be met from the Police Fund 1f approvedby the ChiefOfficero£ Polic oncerned.Reasonable expenditureincurredin connectionwith the RegionalConferencesand the NationalCommitteesha11be met by the Secretaryof Stateif approved by him.