Force Orders 1941_32 X TO BE CIRCULATED TO ALL RANKS OF THE CHESHIRE CONSTABULARY. NUMBER32• CHESHIRE CONSTABIILARYAIR RAID DA AACEFUND. CeneralOrderNo. 41 of 1940 ie herebycancelled.The Fund wi11 be liquidatedas the neceseity£or ite existenc®hae now ceaeedowingto the NationalSchemeYor Air Raid DamageInourance.The subscriptionsto the Fuad wi11 be returnedto the subscribersunderthe followingarrangementsa- A chequefor t e totalamounteubscribedby each Divisionie made out to the superintendentof the Divieionand he wi11 be responsibleYor , repayingto each eubecriberthe totalamounteubecribedby that subscriber whilstin the Divieion. • The repaymentewi11 be made on the form forwardedherewith.In the caee • of a eubecriberwho ha left the Force,or a Reservist'swife,the amountwi11 be forwardedto them and their receiptobtainedon FormM. 1$. A11 formsare to be returnedto thie Officeon'or be£ore1et. December,1941. Chief Cohotableof Cheehire. CHESTER. 13th.October 1941.