Force Orders 1941_30 X To be circulatedto DtvisiomlHeadquart®re and StatioaOfficesalaoto the Cou t Chief 9Gardoa, lllvieioaal Ch1ef Wardens, Chief Wardens C1erkof the Pe oe Couy kurveyor,Couaty Sedi al Offlcer of ealtha,t Major Geaeral D. P. D1ok' oa,C.B.E.,0.8.0., .C.,Bri d1e A.I. aodougalllD.S.O.,8.C.,A.D.C., Colonslv.T.R. Ford,D.k.O.,ColoaelT• Blathe iokC.B.,D.S.O., ‚i.C., T.D., iajor eaeral s1r Llevrel.yaVP. Atcherley, C.M.G.,O.V.Q.,deMajorH. P. M. Beames. xo. 30. 11th. Ootober, 1941. $e o.b o. Me , Co$ . 15bI43. LIAISONOFOCERB. Thé followingMob11eSpecialConstablesare promotedto the raakof Inepeotor fromthis dateand are eeoondedfor dutyaa L1a3sonOfficers. No.744. MobileSpeoialPol ooCoaat bleGeorgeH. Smith. No.96. No•78. N0,124. No.275. No.90. " o a liO . T. Blarney. """Jamee BruceRober6son. """H. C. ForbeaBe11. "nC. A. Anderton. """M. E. Barlow. InapeotorponaldSandersonNayloris aecoadedfor dutyas LiaisonOffloerto the CreweDivlsioaand wi11 be ua arSuperiabendenBtraaoglydle.IaspeotorG.H.Smith wi11 be underSuperinbendenD6urnall,NorthwiohDivision. InspectorK. T. Blamey 111 be underkuperintondenPtleavia,Maocles£ielDdivieion.InspectorJamesBruce Roberbsonw311 be underSuper3atendetJt tok ca R,unoornD1v1s1oa.IaepeotorH. C. ForbesBe11w311be 'aderSuperintend®nTthorburo,W1rra1Div3sloa.InspectorC. A. Andertonwill be und®rSuperiaten3®autrns, 91tr3n"hamDivision. In pe torM. E. Barlowwi11 be underSuper3atendeaRteaderaoa, uklaP3eldDivislon. It ie lmperativethatthereshouldbe oompleta13a3aonbetweenthe MilItary, Home Guardandthe Po11oe. The War EmergenoyOffioerhae somamy dutleeto perform and the soopeo£ thia Llaiaoaso wide that I feelaa additlonalOfficeria roquired. Theaaappo3ntmentsehouldhelp theVParBmergenoyOffioer. IaapeotorThomssSydaeyHuateris promotedto the rank of Superintendeaatad is appointedthe ChiefLlaisoaOfficerfor th® Countydir otlyunderthe ChiefConstable. Super3ntendenHtunterw i11contacta11 L1alsoaOffioers,aadwi11 keepthe Chief Constable3aformedof the progressmade aad aay difficulties tharemay be aad oonvey to the LlaisonOffloerthe ChiefConstable'dsirections.SuperintendeaHtunterwi11 alaotakeunderh1e personalsupervisionBrostoaDiviaioa. It ie equally3mportaathatthereshouldbe t ®fullast11a1eonbetweenthe WardenOrgan3satloaaad the M3litaryandHome Guard. In orderto br3ngaboutPu11 oo-operatdon of effort by the srardens' Organisatlon aad the Military aad Home Guard eaohChief47ardenshoulddetaila oarefullychosenmemberof the Wardens'Serviacto aot ae LiaisonOfflcerin h3e partioulardistrict.TheWardenappo3ntedahouldaot 3a fullestco-operaticwmlth the LlaisonOFf3oerwhom I have appointedforth® Polioe Divlsion. I wish Chief a dena,inthe fir tinetanoe,to oontaotthe Offioer-in-charge of the Home Guard3a his dlatriotaad dlacueathe matterwith h1m,with a viewof bringingaboutaa quioklyaa possible:- A fu11lmcwledgeby eachpartyof the other'sarraagements(wheresuch informat3onoaabe properlyimparted). A visitby a11 conoeraedto RouaePoetsaad Stee1Poetaaad pofataoP aaaembly. This wi11 apply to v3a3ts by tha Home Guard to 9Pardene' Posts and by YPardens to the Depotaof the Home Guard. A conditionbywhicha1VPardensmry e 3n truotedaa to how assistance may ba called for by the Home d aad be i=ned$ately forthoom3ag, whether ia th® form of "F1retA1d",Stretoherwork,messagewritingor messageoarrying,the bring3ag -1- Continued. 1 o enf guarding of é.rme, am ualtlon aad equipment Pouad wlth wcnnnded mea or Inadvertentlyabandoned. 4. Th formation of joint o lass es or leoturee, enter"talnoiont s aad Sing-Smge duringthe YPintermontheat whiohWardensaad Home G'ardmay meet aad 6et , to ]mox oae anothorand discusspolatao£ interestwlth a viex oP bringing iato use the large eupply of potvitial energy possessed by the Wardens' ®rganlsatlonao that thls energymay be oonverbed3atoactiveassistance choisir requ3red. I ] w the.t the 'boTe' 3n traót' as have already been issued by Major $eathoote, ' the &1 leionaYCh1®£Wa leáóf Duklnfiel,dDivlä3oa,1t 1e lmpor6ant,tharefore,that InspeotorBarlowshould,afbérreportag to SuperintendentHeaderson, ontaot ajo Heathoote,al work ia the closestoo-operationwlth h9m, for he wi11 F1nd Major Veathoote'sgnidan emostvaluableas he has alreadydoae mnoh towardsthe ead we ar® etrivlâgto attain. A11 L3aisoaOffioersehouldwork 1a ooapleteharmonywiththe Divisional Chieß Wa dens aad Chi®f Wardens, ead should do what they oan to lnop&ernait the aforesaid instruct Ions. I wish aU the Divisional kuperintendents, a11 the Liaison Of£ioere, and the County aad D1v1s3onal Chief Wardens to meet me at Northwioh Po11oe 5tatioa at $ p.m. on Friàxy17th.October,1941. If inconvenient,2 1m11imderstandthe absenoeof DivisionalChiefWardens. 2 am asklagColoaelFordto attend. Chiaf Constable, o£ Chodtire. CHESTER. 11•th.Ootober,1941. -2-