Force Orders 1941_28 X N.. 28. 11th.A'a'ust,1941. TO BE CSRCIILATEDTO ALL RANSS OF THE CRESHIRECONSTA D1 RY. The ChiefConstablerereta to nave to say that he has today dismisseda Coastablefrom toe Foroefor maldaga falsereport. This Constablewhen makingenquiriesregardingDog icenses, in consequenceof formsreceivedfromthe L ca1TaxationOffices,filled 1a theee for swithoutmaYingany enquiryfromthe personcoacerned. For iastanoe,ia oae caaehe filledia toe form "Lnftthe District,goae to LiverpooL0 In fact,the personbad not leftthe Districtand had neverbeen to Liverpoolin her 1ife. The constableallegedthat he was giventhis iaformationby soaethird party. It,wasproventhat ao suchpersonexieted. The ChiefConstablewould emphasizethat it is imperative that enquiriesbe made from the personconcerned, d that hearsay evidenceaboutpersonswho can aad shouidbe interviewedis not the ma e in whichthesa policeenquiriesshou dbe made. Theseenquiries, moreover, ar® useful, as they enable Canstables to get to ]aww resideots. The ChiefConetablewishesto drawthe attentionoP a11 ranks to GenoralOrdereNo. 45 oP 4th. June,1936,No. 30, of 16th.June, 1 37, No. 52 of 21st.December,1937,No. 60 of 2nd. December,1938,No. oP 9th.February,1939,No. 43 oP 30th.December,1940,and No. 23 oY 31st.May, 1941. This long list oP GeneralOrdersshouLdact as a warning,and when eeniorofflcerscomplywith the last paragraphoY GeneralOrderNo. ' 23 o£ 31st.Ma 1941 ti e shouldme tion y, , y any General Order on t1v.s subjectsubsequentto this GeaeralOrder,and shouldemphasizethatthe ChiefConstable,1y iseulagtheseGeaeral01.dera,hae obviouslydoae ao in the hope that theywould act as a warningand so preventothers fra abehaving1n a manaerwhioh,ia the opiaionof thé ChiefConstable, zakes thea uneuitab].e to be retaiued 3n the police service. The No. 28 oontlnued. 2 honourof the CheshireConstabularyand tt interestsof toe Police 3ervicedemaadthe iategrityof a11 er ing1a that keritce. /j1C ChiefConstable.