Force Orders 1941_27 X TO BE CIRCDLATEDTO DIVISIONAL No. 27. HEADQIIARTERSAND STATIOV OFFICES. 5th• August, .L94l. AVPéRDSFOR GALI NTRY. , The ChiefConstableis proudto informthe Foroethnt Bis Majeety , The Kittghas b®en graoiouslypleasedto awardthe i'o11o 3ngmambera of the Coo&tabularythe BritishEmpireMedal for Gaflantry:— No. 182 ConstableFrank DouglasWiggins. No. 673 ConstableErnestWi111amPocock, Oa 4th. February,1941,t ese Constableswere oa motor patrolwhea a Britls aircraftcrashedin a field. The machiaeburstintoflames. Despiteth flamesaad dangerfrom ammuaitioaw i.chwas than exploding in the burningmac iaaboth Constableswith commeadabledisregard for theircon safety adiatelyco m eacedrescuework aad had estrioatedfour bodiesProm the burningmachinebeforethey were jolnedby Milltary. Iatert y eatricatedtwo more bodies. In a11 aiae "bodieswere recovered. The ChiefConstablewarmlycongratulatesConstablesWigginsaad P 000k•n the we11 deservedhoaourwhich H1a Majestyhas conferred upon them aad is surethe remainderof the Foroe a aroahis admiratioaof the high courageaad initiativeshownby these Constableswho eo worthilyupheldthe high traditionsoi'the Cheshlre Coastabulary. . r3 c& , Chief Conétable oY Cheslv.r®.