Force Orders 1941_23 X ( Nwber_23.. 31st May, 1941: i -BE CIRCÜLATEDTO ALL RéNKS OF THE CHE3HIRECONSTA T•AR%. The Ch1efConstableregretsto haveto eaythathe has todaydismissed a Conetablefromthe Forceformak3nga falsereport.ThisCoastablein orderto drawlodgingallowancestatedin his reportthathe had brokenh1s journeyat a certainplacewhereasin pointof facthe had had a through journey. TheChiefCoastablewishesto drawattentioaof all.raaksto General OrdersNo. 45 of 4th June,1936,No. 30 of 16thJune,1937,No.52 of 21st December,1937,No. 50 oP 2ad December,1938,No. 5 of 9thFebruary,1939, andNo. 43 of 30thDecember,1940. The Ch1efCoastablehas issuedtheseGeneralOrdersia thehopethat theywillact ae a warning,eo thateverymemberof the Force 1 knowthat in his opinion,aayPo11ceOfflcerwhowiifuflytellsan untruthor makes , a falseeatryin ea officialdocumentor mekeea faleereportis unfitfor,the Pol ceService.Theadmlw'strationof justicedemands,3a-;factverylargély dependsoa the iategrityof thepoliceservice. TheCh1efConstablewishesSeniorOfficersto lmpressupoathose, serving‚ derthemthatthen'aber.of theseGeaeralOrdersis a reflectioa on theintegrityof theCheshlreConstabulary,andthateverytlmetheseOrders are d3aobeyedthefairaameof t eCheshireConstabo].aryis tarnished. , SéaiorOfficerswillrecordin theirnotebookswhatstepstheyhave takento impressuponthoseserving mderthemthea' ber of theeewarnings, aad the coasequenceof dlsobeyingthem,and theimperativenecessitythat thewordoP a Constablecaabe believedat all timesaad oa ai],occaeions. In fntureGeneralOrderNo. 23 of 31stMay,1941,"iiibe readoa thelast pay day1a Jtme,aadthe firetpay day1a Jaauary,aad a reporttbattbishas beendoae'viiibe sutoittedto Headquarters. ChiefConstable.