Force Orders 1941_21 X No. 21. TO EE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANbS OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. 26th.May, 1941. WATCHESAND CLOCKS. GeaeralOrdeT No. 50 dated20t .Ju1p,1936,is hereby cancelled aad wi11 be markedaccordinglyia a11 files. . Oae of a constable' most importantduties3s to satisfyhimself tnat his watch and, if he is in chargeof one,a policestatioaclockor police vehicle olook,is keeping correct time. Correct time in police work 1s oP firstimportaace. It 1s essentialthat the clockby whichthe policecheok theiritches o clockehas itseif been c eokedtnat day. Eve y oonstable,on e e y day he is on duty,wi11 checkhis watch by the Post Office clock or policeststioaclockand wi11 enteria the diary side of is notebookthe time aad c1ooYby wh3c the ohecktook place. If he is tat ,oaedin a village and his tour oP duty does aot take 1m pasb a Post Officehe wi11 cheokhia watoh by telephoningto a Post Office. Post Officeolocksaxe checkedeachday at 9 a.m..The da11y check orderedby t is GeneralOrderidll thereforebe carriedout as eooaas possible afber (butnot before)9 a.m. When a constableis not on dutyuat11after 9 a.m. on any day,he wi11 checkhis watchwithinhalf an cour of oamingoa duty ead wiil make the appropriatentry in his notebookunlesshe is ia a positionto aay tnat e hae previouslych®okedhis watch. I this caaet e appropriatentrywi11 have been made. In effeotthis meanathat every day a maa is oa duty,aa entryrelatingto the checkingof his watonmust appeerin nie notebook. T e entrymust ahownot on1y the ti tne c ®ckwae made but alsowhere,e.g. Poet Officeor Po1ic®Stat3oa. A11 polioestationclockswi11 be checkedas aoonas possibleafber 9 a.m. each day by telephoniagto the Post Office. The time of t e cheokaad the placewhere suohenquirywas made will be enteredin t e roughOc.ourrence BooY by the officerwho made the oheck. If a constableis at a policestationafterthe stQtionclookhas been oheckedhe aych®ekhis watch or (whereapplicable)polica7ehicleolookby the policestationolook. He caa satisfyhimselfthat the sbatioaclook a been cheok®dby examiningtha rough OccurrenceBook. Sergeantswi11 checktne watc esof those servinguadert em at least once a fortnigntand will enterparticularso£ such check1n the diaryside oY theirnetebooks. If a Sergeanthae drawathe atbentionof a constableto the inaccuracyof his watch on three oocasionsduringthe couraeof a year,he wi11 reportthat oonstablefor negleotof duty,for it is the dvtyo£ everyconztable to be in possessionof a watchwhioh keepsaccuratetlme and if a constable's itoh cazmotbe repaireds aa to keep accuratetime then it is is duty to purchasea watch t at doee. ChiefConstable. (