X No. 19. 20th BHay, 1941. TO BE CIRCIILATEDTO DIYI5IONAL HEADQIIARTEF.S& STATIONOFFICES. BILLETING. Ia accordancewith the powersconferredupon me by Section3 of the Armyand Ai.rForce (Annual)Act, 1941, whlchame dsSectioas108A of the Army aad Ais ForceActe by the additionof the followingproviso to the ead of paragraph(b) of ub-section(3) thereof:- 1 Providedthat a ChiefOfficerof Policemay, to such extentand subjectto suchrestrictionsaa he t i k proper,authoriseany iudividual constable,or any classof constables,to exerciseand perform on bisbehalf allor any of the eaidpowersand duties." 2 herebyauthoriseall Superintendents,ChiefInepectore,Inspectors, Sergeanteand Constablesto exerclseand perPorm oa my behalfall the said powersand dutiesunder the said Act. ( ChiefConstable.