Force Orders 1941_18 X , No. 1' 15th.May, 1941. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIPISION L HEADQIIARTERSAND STATIONOFFICES. CONFERENCEPOINTS. ConferenceP intsmust ba made at fixedpointswhichmust be clearlyatat®din the orderao that there can be no mistakeor misunderstanding. For example,a polntat OrchardHouee is not suffioiéntlÿ.déf nite- the ConferencePointehouldbe a statedpoiat,e.g.,-FrontDrive Gate,StableYard C1ock,or some otherplacewhich can be learlydefinedand identified.It shouldbe clearto the averagepolicemanthat ConfereacePointamust be c1early definedotherwisethe xhole objectof them - speedycoataotby otherpolicemen includingsuperiors - is defeated. Superintendeatswi11 lmmediatelypereonallysatisfythemselvesthat a11 CoaferencePointsare c1earlydefinedao that there oan be no possibility of a misunderstandingin future. Wh®n 5ergeanteand Constablesare post®d to a new districtthey muat be instructedquitec1earlyon the eaact•spot where pointemust be made. In the oas® of Constables,Sargeantewi11 take eaohnew man to each ConferencePo1ntand poiatout the exaot spotwherathe polntia to be msde and wi11 enterin their pocketbookshavingdone eo. Superintendentswi11 send a reportin writingto the ChiefConstable marked"Personal"that they hav® reviewedevery ConfereaoePoint1a their Divisionand are aatisfiedthat eaoh CoaferencePoiatis at deflalteepot, the reportsto reaáhthe Ch1efConstableby 1et.June,1941. Chief Constable.