Force Orders 1941_16 X TO BE CIRCliLATEDTO ALL RANKS. No.16. ( 10th. Apri1, 1941. TA I TG OF FINGER PRINTS AND PVOTOGRAPOSOF PERSONS ARRESTED FOR CRIME. The followingcaeeshava recentlyoccurredwhere the proper procedurehas not been follawed. 2n October,1940a canwas arrestedia a Boroughin this Couaty whea disposirg of a bicycle vIiich had been abolen ia this County. 8e vas hendedoverto au Officerfrom this County,takento the PoliceStationand biled to appearat the ne.ctPettySeasions,when he was fined d allowedtime in which to pay. . sfhenarrestedhe statedhe was a nativeof London,nathingwas known of his antecedenthistoryand he was not photo;raphedor fingerprinted. 0e failedto pay his fiae and when a warrantwas issuedit was 1 found he had left the district end his preseat whereabouts are mimown. On the 2nd.Apri1,1941,a maa vho had been arrested£or larceny, escapedfrom Policecustodywhilebazng conveyedto prisonoa recand. Ois fingerprintswere takenbut he was not photographed. Ae a result of his fingerprints being taken it was fouad that he was wented for escapingfrom a Borstalinstitution3a Ju1y,1938. In the firstiastancenothingis karnnof this prisoaerand we are not in posseesionof fingerprintsor photograph. In the secondiastancewe are not ia possessionof a photograph fox'circulation. MlauteNo.315of SuperinteadentsConferenceclearlyindbatos the proceduroto be followedin caseswhere a peraonis admittedto bail - A coaditionof the bail shouldbe that the prisoaerconse rtsto his or her photographand fingerprintsbeingtaken. StandingOrderNo.116dea1sw3th the takingofph tographsand fingerprintsof persoasarreetedfor crime. Chief Conatable. .