Force Orders 1941_15 X GENERALOIiD$B.N0lBER15. 8TH lllA1iC}i 1Q41. TO BE CIRCIILATED TO ALLBANKS. The ChiefConstablehâd beforehim to-daya Coastablewho had left hie districtwithoutpermisslon.This Constablewas fineda week's pay. - His conductwas dleobedienceof StandingOrderNo. 1, paragraph (50),to which the ChiefConstabledrew attentionin GeneralOrderNo.1 oP 14th January,1939. 9n applicationto 1eavea dietrictis seldomi£ ever refused. It is imperativethat eeniorofflcereahouldknow wheretheirofficers are.