Force Orders 1941_09 X TO BE CÍRCOLATEDTO BIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERSAND STATION OFFICES ONLY. No. 9. 23rd. February,1941. MOTOR CAA ALLOWANCES. GeneralOrde-No. 3, dated28th.January,1941,ie erebycancelledand replacedby this GeneralOrder. 0n the recommendationof the ChiefConstablesit wae resolvedat a meeting of the StandingJointCommitteeheld oa 5aturday,25th.January,1941 :- To continuethe preaentacaleoY travellingallowancesto existing . 5uperintendentewhilatsuch Superintendenteremainin offic®. To adopt,as from 1at. J'nuary,1941,the CountyCouncilacaleoY mileagea11owancesfor the timebeiag in YorceYor the uaa of private motorcare £or :- (1) superintendentsappointedafter1et. January,1941. Inepectore. . sergeants. Conatables, subject,in a11 cases,to 1og bookaand recordsbeing kept to th® aatiefaction o£ the CountyTreasurerand, in the cae® of 5ergeanteand Conetablea,to prior epecialapprovalof the superintendentto each occaeioaof user of the car and to detailebeingreportedto the 5tandingJointCommitteefor the purpoeeo£ an annualreviewat the meetingheld in Januaryeveryyear. superintendentswi11 be most particularin not sanctioningthe u e'o£care by 5ergeanteand Conetablesunleeait ie absolutelynecesaary.In additionto . whic euch allowancewi11 not be grantedat thie officeunleeath® Chief Constableis £u11ysatiefiedthat the uee of the car was juetified.If j0 the intereeteof the eervicesuch car was used to carrya passengeror paee®ngere and travellingallowancesavedon that accounta noteto that effactwi11 appearon the claim. The recordereferredto in ?Aemorandato superintendentsNo. 401 and No. 402 wi11 continueto be keptby thoseeoncerned. Th® preaentCountySca1eie as followe:- (Ref.P. 253• 9 lins. d/25/7/40) Care up to and including8 h.p. First3,000milea pe r armuT. The next 3,000milea pe annum. Over. In reepectIn reepectofTota1 of StandingRunning Coats.per mile. Char ea. Fer mi1e. 2 • d • . I 4d. k l • 4á d. 2d. t d. (4d.1.3á . Ni1.Í ¢. 14d.1 @. ib. 4' M S. 54 . Care over 8 h.p. Firet3,000milee per ann um. The next3,000milea p®r annum. Over. 2d . 2- d . Ni1. 1 }3. 4ád. 4ti1• 4'ad. 14. 8 (2)• 0n the 3rd. of eachmonth8uperintendents(whetharor not they agreeto come on the Countyscaleof CaT A1lowance),Inepectore,Sergeantaand Conetablea, who have ueed their cay duringthe previouemonth wi11 eubmitto thia office,in duplicate,a returnon the followingform o- CHESHIRE CONSTABULARY. Division. at&tion. Returnehowingt e numberof mileetravelledby MotorCer No. Omnedby Duringthe monthended M4ke aad horsepower of car Date. Placeeviaited. Objectof journey. No, of milee travelled. Dat e signed The claimswi11 be renderedto Headquerteremonthlyand ehouldbe certified by the Superintendentof the DivieionbeYoresubmissionto Headquartere.A11 claimsunderthe CountySca1ewi11 be attachedto £orm F.17E. Thie form (F.17E) and the individualclaimformewi11 thereforeform oie voucher.Whentheseclaime have been paeeedfor paymentthe Form F.17 E and th® attachedclaim formawi11 be returnedto the Divieionefor payment.The duplicateeet oY th® claimformswill be retainedat Headquerterefar recordpurposes.AlthoughSuperintendentewho do not electto come on the CountySca1e of Car A1lowancehave to rendera returnit muet be kept in mind that such returnwi11 not be includedon £orm F.17E ae this form ia for claimeon1y. Aeeietant ef Conetableof Cheshire.