Force Orders 1941_06 X No.6. 10th.February,1941. CIRCUILA'TEDTO ALL RAN SOF THE CHESffiRECONkTABULKRf. If a PoliceOfPi e overheav anyone (whoeverhe may be) talkiag injudiciouslyor revealingmatt®rshe oughtnot to revealhe ia to de d h1s IdeatityCard and definitelyestablishhis ldentity. If the'Pol oe Officeris in mufti,the personmay refuseto produoehia ldentityCard and a PoliceOfficerin muPtihas ao powerto dema 8it, ia such oa ae the Po11oeOfficerwi11 revealthe £aotthat he is a Po11ceOfficerend wi11 detaiahim uadeaehe produceshis IdeatityCard. '1 . Chief Con table.