Force Orders 1941_04 X • TO BE CIRCIIL9TEDTO DIOISIONAL ' No. 4. HEADQllARTERSAND STATIONOFFICES. 31st.January,1941. C IEFCONSTABLE'SREPORTTO STANDINGJO2NTCOWOTTEE ON STATEOF TIE FORCE. At a Meeting o£ the CheshireStandingJoiatCommitteeon 25th. January,1941,the ChiefConstsblereportedon tne stateo£ the Cheshire Consla ul yas follows:- ' • • "The efficiencyof the Ch'eshireCdnstabularyhas cont3nued , unimpairedby war conditions. It has been possibleto opewith everyemergencywhichhas ariaenao £ar. 2 am con£identin the wiliingneseand abllityof the Forceto contiaueto do so. To tne equipmen-cv+h chwas so wi111ng1ysupplied,tie 3mprovedPol ceaccommodationprovidedana the cork of re-organisatico agreedto by the Committeeto raisethe Forceto a stnteof efficiency underpeaaeti.,- econditionscom dwith the spiritof a11 ranksoP the ConstabularyI attributethe easewith w hiohthe Forcepassed£rom peace condltionsto thoseof war withoutthe slightestimpalrmontof efficiency and, 1f anything,with an increased villingnessUy a11 to carryout their dut3es. . . I wish to speciallymentionthe va1uablework of the Special Constabulary. Thesemen have shownthemselveewillingto work long hours underthe most tryiag conditionsend are renderingfaithfuland usefulservice. . . IInderAir Raid conditlons'theyhave displayeda splendidspirit. 2 w ,shto plaie on recordmy appreciationof their flae spiritas oitizensthey are a voluntarybody - theirva1ueae AuxiliaryPoliceand the fac't that the regularmembersof the Forcevaluethe help theyreoeivefrom th® and weloomethem as oomradea. have Certainof the /organl edthemselvesinto MobilaIInitsand 'have shownthemselveswillingto travellong didanoesfrom thelrhomesto parformdutiesat placeswhere thé r sarviceswere urgentlyneeded. Othershave specialised1n and form a vaivablereserveia an emergencyreadyto movewherevertheir se'rvlcesmay e needed." The ChiefCoas6zbledirectsthat this GeneralOrderis to be read to a11 membersof the regularand auxiliarypolice, He wishesa11 ranksto know his opi onof them and his appreciatlonof th work they are doing. ' / W/ L ChiefConstable. • s