Force Orders 1941_02 X No. 2. . TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERSAND STATIONOFFICES. ONLY. 27th January, 19 41 . ` COSTSFOR EXECUTINGWABOINTkAND SERVING ' SU ONSESRECEIVEDFROM OTHERFORCES. {Vithreferenceto StandingGeneralOrdersNo. 285 dated6th December, 1922 and No. 11 dated20th January,1923,whichprovidedthatno charge be made to otherPoliceForceefor the executionof warrantsand service of summonsesby the CheshireConstabulary1n criminalbut not in civil cases;the 5tandingJointCommitteeresolvedon the 25th January,1941, that thisrule shouldnow b 5extendedto apply to civilas wen as ç 3 äl,.c eéa.In makingthis reeolutionthey acted compliancewith Home OfficeCircularNo. 426970/65dated27th Deeember,1940,o£ which the followingis a copy :— HOME OFFICE, WHITEHAIJ.. 426970/65. 4. 27th December,1940. I am directedby the Secretaryo£ 5tateto referto the Home Officecircularsof the 12th Ju1y,and 4th October,1922,recommending that the practiceof recoveringsma11expensesincurredin the service of:summonsesand the executionof warrantsby one forceon behalfof anothershouldbe discontinuedin criminalthoughnot in civilcases. The reasonfor distinguishingbetweencriminaland civi1cases was that in the latterthe policeare actingon behalfo£ a private person,and it might be d fficultto ca11 upon a complainantor defendantto ay the costsof a sëconil£orce , when such costswould not actuallyaid over to that force,with tho resultthat theymight fa on a PoliceFund. The positionhas, however,changedconsiderably since1922,largelyowingto the practiceof serviceby post;the amountof moneyinvolvedin thesetransactionsis very small,and it is rare1ypossiblein practiceto recoverexpensesfrom defendants.The timeand 1abourwhichwach caseinvolvesmay none the less be considerable, and in aomecasesthe expenditureon postageand otherincidentalsmay be greaterthan the amountrecovered. In thesecircumstanceeit appears to the Secretaryof 5tatethat,especiallyunder wartimeconditions,it wouldbe to the advantageof a11 policeauthoritiesif the practiceof recoveringsuch expensesin civilas we11 as criminalcaseswere di.scontinued,the forcewhich sendscivilprocessto anotherfor execution retainingany fees receivedfrom the complainantin the firstinstance, and the latterforcemakingno claimon the £ormerunlessit has incurred unusuallyheavy expenditure.The Secretaryof Statehae authorisedthe adoptionof thisprocedurein the MetropolitanPoliceForce,and he understandsthat it is alreadyfollowedin a numbero£ otherforces. He hopes thatpoliceauthoritiesgenerally vi.11agreeto adoptit. I am, Sir, Your obedientServant, The C1erk to the PoliceAuthority. (SGD.)S. J. BAKER. The ChiefConstable(£orinformation). CHESTER. As istant 03 ± *f—Constable o£ Cheshiré. ThisGeneralOrderwin have immediateef£ect. •