Force Orders 1940_41 X 4 TO HE CIRCOLATEDTO ALL RAN%3 No. 41. OF TIE CHESRIRE CONSTABTOARY. 27th.December,1940. It is proposedto starta Fuad,whichw111 give immediatefinancial assistanceto ary membereof tha Conambularywhosehouse is damagedin an Air Raid. The followingweekly subeoriptionswi11 be paid by thoeewho wish to participate;- ' A Constable 3d. per week. A 5ergeant 6d. per week. Aa Iaepector 1/-d.per week. A Superinteadent 2/ -d. pe r week. ' The ChiefConstablehopestha 11 Offlcerswi11 joia,for we are livfng ia timeswhen we shoulda11 try and, e1p/each dther,and thereoaa be no doubt L . t p,' . what a benefitit woi ldbe kfi t y 4htable who loseshis belongingato recei've O' a checueat once toe e C get goiagagain. Only thosewho joinat once l. and subsoribewi11 beaeflt. The subsoriptionshouldbe lookedupoa both a9 aa insuranoefor the subeoriberand as an earneatto try and s arethe cozamonburden. Whenever'an Officer'shouseis damagedairingto war activitiesa fu11 reportwi11 be eubmlttedto this Officethroughthe usual chanaelsgivingfu11 pqrticu.tarsoP damagesustaiaed. On receiptof these reportseach caaewiLl be consideredon its meritaby the ChiefCoastable,Ase3stantChiefConstableaad tho Superintendentof the Divisioncoaceraadas to the amouatto be aliocated £rom the Fund. The Fundwi11 operatefrom the 1st. Jan'niry,1941,and Superintendents wi±.[ arrangeto oollecta£ortnightlysubsoriptionon the pay day for fortnight ending11th. January,1941,and each subeequentpay day. 0n1ythosewho subscribe fromthe commencementof the Fund wi11 benefitfrom the Fund. Anyoneabsentfrom the Force on militaryservicewho wisheato joln laterwi11 haveto pay a11 arrears of subscriptions. 4 The wives of servingMemberswho are ooaupyittgPolce Housee shouldbe approaohedaad advisedto join the Fund. The amouat5oo11e tedwi11 be forwardedto this Offiaeeaoh Mondaymorningw3th tha Pay Ljsts. Assista i ef Constable.