Force Orders 1940_40 X TO DE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RA KS OF TIE ESH {R COIddi`ABUL9RY BOtdh RÉGUTARAhD A XILIARY. No. 40. 20 h.De amber,1940. Yhe secretary of state as sent the followingmessage to a11 re.nksof the Regular and Auxiliary Police Forces:- "This wi11 be a strange, grim CA.ristmas for a11 of us. ti'de sha11 a11 spend it as soldiers in the battle line and many . of the traditimn lcustoos affidforms wili be out of place. Yet even war in our ridst cannot scatter tr.eessential Christmas spirit,tne neignbourlinessand goodwill for w ich there was never greater need and of which tnere have been so many splendid examples in tne card montas torougo wt.ict we caTu been passing. Tha times ahead may well ba even narder, and ea11 for aven greater efYorts and saorifioes;.. 1et us draw inspirationi'urtie long £ignt wnicn sti11 faces us from e assone o ' guudv+ill and co-oµe a io waico Criristmas t ac e . I cave ready said publicly taat toe police cave maia ained tieir hign tr.adit onsand have sno +nup magniricentlyund r tie test o battie. I !Qi that tney e+i11 eontinue to do so, wnat®ver mey ba the additionalca11s upon thelr endurance,their couraga, and tneir potience, and it is in a spirit of admirationoi'wha you nave done in e past and oi'confidencein tne way in vmicn . you wi11 fu1lii cx:e auties VY c txre i'uture iraposes on you, tnat " I most ar. f•+isnyou a11, men and women, regulars and auxiliaries,every possible happiness at Christmasand in the New Year. Christmas is pre-eooinentiya family festival, amd I extend the sace wish to your wives and 1'amilies. And stern though the immediate prospects may be, I look forward with you to t e happier days whicn vic ory end peace 'viiibring. (signed.) NdRHE.RTE:ORRISON." V XC/ L . CUEsTEil. Chief Constable.