Force Orders 1940_39 X TO HE CIRCULATEDTO ALL 1188 OF THE CHESHIRE CONSTABULAHY. No. 39. The Chief Constablewishes a11 membera o£ th® Cheshire Constabularyaad their familiest e Seasons Greetings. It is difficult in tne midst of this grlm strugglefor our existence,with a l ow'ledgeo£ the tragedieswhich we kww are going on a11 around us to contemplatea Merry Christmas,but w® have reason to have confidencein ourselvesand to feel eure that we sha11 ultlmatelybe eiotorious,and that by our efforts this evil thing - Hitlerism -, which is making life so hideous and is a menace to that freedom which we prize so highly, will ultimatelybe defeated. Vlemust remember at this time of t e year the ohildren and each one o£ us should try and vake Christmasa happy and merry time for them. The Chief Constablewould like to take this opportunityof placing on record his unboundedadmirationof the splendidmanner in which a11 E!embersof the Constabularyhave acquittedthemselves;their courage,efficiency, and example have played no sma11 part in maintainingthe general morale o£ the people,whohave often had to faoe up to the grim realities of war. To members of the Regular Force, to the First Police Reserve, the Police VParReserve and the special Conatabulery- mobile and foct - the Chief Coastablethanks you one and a11 for a11 of you have upheld the best traditions of the Cheshire Constabulary,and the faot that you have done so and the complete ooafidencehe has in you that,whateverthe oircumstances,you 'ill acquit yourselves é11, lessens his heavy,burdenof responsibility. To onë and a11 t e Chief Constabletenders his best wishes. 19t .December,1940.