Force Orders 1940_34 X TO BE CIRCUI TEDTO DIVISIONALAEADQUART'r.RS ÀND STATIONOFFICESONLY. No. •4. 22 d. October, 1940. DENTALTOKATMENT. 1. At a Bleetingof the Standing Jo1nt Comm tteeof the County held at Chestar on 20th. October, 1934, the followingResolvtionwas passed:- "Reaolved: That free medical and dental treatment be provided to 'memberso£ the Force in accordancewith Police RegulationsQ8 and 89'" I . . . . , , I accordancewitn the aboveResolutionon and from 1st. January,1935»free dentaltreatmentw111 be providedto mambarsof the Constabulary' . 2. (a) The Chie£Dantalsurgeonresidesin Chesteranddher Dentistshave beea approvedby tha StandingJoint Co itteeand ara appoiatedAssistantDentists. (b)A 1i,atof the Chie£and AsslstantDentlstsis kept up-to-dateat Haadquarters aad the 1oca1list is containedin the Beat Report. (o) The Fees and allowancesapprovadby the standingJointCo itteeara as follows:- SC LING 7s. 6d. FILLING 7 . 6d. ROOT TREAB&ENT 7s. 6d. fillingas above. E%TRACTIONS 2 . 6d. par toothwith a minimumof 5/- and a maximumoP 25/-. SIMPLEAD SINISTRATIONOF GENERAL ANAESTHETIC - ANAES'1'H TIST'S FEE 10s. 6d. PROLONGEDAD SINISTRATIONOF GENERAL ANAESTEETIC- A1AE3TAETIST1SFEE £1. s. Od. DENTURES- 1, 2 0 3 teeth.... £1.119. 6d. 4, 5 or 6 teeth £2. 2s. Od. 7, 8 or 9 teeth £2.12a. 6d. 10 or more teeth £3. Ss. Od. REPAIRS . 7s. 66. for the first,5/- £or each subsequent item. Two thirdsoriginalscaleoP £eea,and 6/- f , each addition-. a1 tooth. CF.OFYNS £1.11s.6d. plua ordinaryfee for my root treatment necessary. - 1 - - 2 - 211SPECTIONAND REPORT For membors of the Foroeor Recruits, chargeableon1y if inembersdo aot returafor treatment,5/— per . indiv3duaS. (d) In the eventoP a Constablebe3ng certifiedby the PoliceDoctoro Assistait PoliceDootor,as requiringdentaltreatment,he wi11 reportthe fact on FormD.36, to the ChiefÇonstablethroughthe 9uperintendentstatIng,oa tne form the name of the approved detttlstwhom he desveà to attendto his teoth. (é)Bpon r.ecelptof this report,the ChiefConstablev 11 considorthe same and 8 he approvesor the Constablereceiving dentaltreatment,wi11 ntlm te is approval on the form and returathe same $o the Constable,throughthe Superintendànt,for an eetimateto be ontained£rom the Dentietfor wnet is required. The dentistwili completePnrt E. of the form aad returnthe saineto the Constable for transmissionto the Chi®fConstablewho ®i11 oonsiderthe estirate an d intinvte his approvalo otherwise oa the form. If the estimate is approved, the formwi11 aggiab e returnedto the Superinteadent and aftercompletlono1'the treatment,part "G" af the formw131 be completedb y the $entist. If the Constnbleis satisfiedwith the treatmenthe has received,he will fi11 up Part "H" of the form an d forwardthe aame,with the Dentist's accountin accordancewith above soal®_of fees, to his superintendentfor trammmi.ssioato this Office. . In oaaeswhero ioonedjateattention is necossary,sucnaa violeattoothacne,tne Constablemày receive attent on, ythe Dantist,and &fterwards'forwardto the Chief Constablethroughthe Superintendentof the Divis on,Form D. $6, with SeltiOflB"A", "H", "E", "G" and '$" dulyfilledin. Te accountfrom the doctorfor filling up seotion"B" of Form D.36wi11 b e submlttedwith the form in the Tirstiastance. ., 3. GeneralOrder 33 dated11th. Octobe , 1940 is herebyeanaelledand shouldbe markedaccordingly• The position is that the o1d p ocedu e(as existedpriorto the cancellationof GeneraiOrder2ä6 of 1934) as b een revertedto. Ass st nt.-CFiie£ Constable.