Force Orders 1940_33 X TO HE C2RCOIATED TO DMSIONAL HEADQ 2TERS AND STATION OFFI ONLY. 11th.Oct ber,1940. DENTALTREATMENT. 1e At a Iúeetiaogi'the 5tandiagJoiatCoconitteoef the Countyheldat Chester on20th.Ootober,1954,t e foilowingRasolutionwas passed:- "Resolved:Thatfraemedicaland dentaltreatmentbe providedto 'membersor . the Foroe1n accordancewith PoliceRegulatioas 8 and 89'. In accordancewiththe aboveResolution,on aad from1at.Jaauary,19$5,free dontal'treatmewnit11 be providedto membersoP the Constnbularye 2. (a)T teChiefbpntaiSurgeonresidesin Chesterand otherDentists avebeen approvedby the StandingJointCommitteeand are appointedAs istantDeatiste. (b)A listo£ toe ChiefaadAssistantDeatists1s keptup to dateat $eadquarters andthe 1oaa1listis containedin t e HeatReport. . ( )Toe ee and allvwaacesapp ove, by the StandingJointCommittaeare as fo11o 7—. —' 7s. 6d. FILLING .a: 7e. dd. ROOT 7e. 6d. 3'illing as a bove. . EX1'RACT20iv5. . 2s. 6d. per toot with a minimumof 5/- and J . a ma l.mum of 25/-. . SIMPlE Au k :; à. "1'IONOF GENSkAI ArvABSThETICANAE3TN.ETISTb'fS 10s.6d. PROLONGED.AD dINlSTRA'1'IONOF GENSRAL AxiM'BTijETIC - AtaAE3T ETI8' Fl;E £1. 1s. Oà. DENTID?ES 1, 2 or S toeth . 1..Ll .bde 4, 5 o teetn £2. 2s. Od, 7, 8 or 9 teeth £2 12s.c;d. 10 0r mo ro teeth.......e.'..............'...,...E333.• Oae REPAIR3........ .. 7s. d. for the f1r t,5/- ' for eaco subsequent itom. R 1TARE3 TyPothirds origiaal soale of fees,and 5/- for eao additionalt öth. CRONNS £1.1 plusordinaryfee for any root treatment necessary. 2 INSPECTIONArD REPORT.... For membersof the Forceor Reóruits, chargeab&eon±yif m m e do not returnfortraatment,5/— pe indlvidual; (d)2n t:.eeventoY a Coastablebeingcertifiedby the PoliceDentistor AssistantPouce Dentistas requiringdent ltreatment,he wi11 reporttue tact on FormD.36tg tie Çh1efConstabletoroughtriesuperintendent statiagon the formt e cameof the approveddentistw om he desiresto attendto h1s teeth. The D. 56 at present1s usewi11 be amendedto readPo1ioeDentistinsteador Po.Licc Dootor1n SectionsA aad B. (a) Upov receipt of thls-report, The Chief Consbable wi11 oons3der the same and if he approveso£ t e Constablereceivingdental•treatmenwti,11 intimateis approvalon the formand returnthe sameto t., Constable,thro ghthe Superintendent Sor aa astimateto be obtainedfromthe De -' or what 1s required. . (P) The Dentist wi11 complete Part E, of p.'' m aaid returh the same to t"iae Constablefor transmisslonto the •+f .o;..: e, who wi11 oonsiderthe estiirate aid lntimate 1s approval or the.," d% " ,= Form. (h)If the Co stable, y:,-,sfiedxith the treataenthe has received,he wi11 £111up Park " " oP the fo and forwardthe am ,v+3ththe Dentist'saccaantin accordancweith abovescaleof fees,to his Su er ntenden3t'ortr msmia iotno (g)If the estimateis ap Superiatendenta,nd after be oompleted by_ the ,De oumwi11 againbe returttad.tohe öf the treatment,Part "G"of the formwi11 this Office. (i)2ncaseswherelmmediateattentionis necessary,suonas 1.olenttoothache, tha Constablemay reoeiveattentionby the Dentist,and afterwardsforwardto the ChiefConstablethrough.:tBhueperictendenoti the Division,FormD.3Bwith sections"A","B",HE","G"and "H" du],y£i11edin. Hencefortlt- : the positlon will be that' the Certificate in Section B wi11 be signedby an AssistantPo11ceDentist. It wi11 be observedthe.tivherethe AssistantPoliceDeatistwho slgae'Section B sub equeatlgoarr e outthe work no inspectionaad reportchargeis mzde. GeneralOrderI1o.296 dated28.12.1934is herebyoanoelledbeiagreplacedby this GeneralOrder. . Ass stantr't'hief Constable .