Force Orders 1940_23 X • • 1 ' No. 23. TO BE C2RCLZ.ATEDTO DNISIONAL HEADQUARTERS. CHESHIRE SPECIAL CONSTABULARY-ALTiIINCIIAMDIVIS Ill. The underxoentionedmaaber o£ the Altrincham Division s promotedas follows,with effectfrom 7th August,1940:- No. S.C. 324 ConstableFrankHenry Holmes, promotedto Sergeant. CRESHIRF.SPECIALCONSTABLZ.ARY- A.A.P.RESERVE. The undero'entionedmembersof the above unitare promotedas follows with effectfrom 7th August,1940:- No. S.C. 936 SergeantJoe Viii Collier,promotedto Inspector. No. S.C. 991 AotingSergeantAustynPitchford,promotedto Sergeant. No. S.C.1015 ActingSergeantDonaldRlchardTenns.nt,promotedto Sergeant. No. S.C.1003 ConstableJohn Lew s Fletcher,promotedto Acting5ergeant. No. S.C.1130 ConstableFrederickRigby,promotedto ActingSergeant. No. S.C. 354 ConstableEdwardNugentLinaker,promotedto ActingSergeant. -Mo. S.C. 1060 ConstableArthurSimotona,promotedto ActingSergeant. ChiefConstable. CHFSTER. 7th August,1940.