Force Orders 1940_21 X No. 21. TO BE C2RCLZ,ATEDTO DIVISIONAL.#iEADQUARTERS. SPECIALCONSTABULARY- WIRRAL DIV SION. The underoentionedmembers of the YdirralDivision are promoted as followswith ef£ect from 31st Ju1y, 1940:- No. S.C. 224 ConstableAugustus George Lister, promoted to Sergeant,. No. S.C. 864 ConstableRonald Eustace Jones, promotedto Sergeant. SPECIALCONSTABULARY- RUNCORNDIVIS_ ON. The undermentionedmember of the Ru co Division is promoted as follr;s with effect from 31st Ju1y, 1940, No. S.C. 256 George Goldie Cashin, promoted to Sergeant. .- 4t Chie£Constable. 31stJu1y,1940. • a