Force Orders 1940_15 X w xo.15. 22ndJune1940. TO BE CIHÇULATETDO DIVISION AL VEAI)QUARTE&RSBTATIONOFFICES. MILITAR7tSERVICE. - The ChiefConstableis awarethatthereare manyyoungconstableswho £ee1 thattheywouldbe betterservingthe3rcountryby joiningHis Majesty's Forces,and in thisconnectionhe forwardsherewithaa extractfrom the PoL ce and Firemen'sEmploymentOrderdated20th.June,1940. Il1.Any personwho is on or afterthe dateof thisOrder Employedas a Constable is requiredto cont3nuein euchemploymentuntilhis Services'aredispensed with in accordancewiththe provisionsof Article2 of thisOrder. 2. The servicesof any personemployedas aforesaidmay be diepensedwithby the ChiefOfficerof Police." The ChiefConstablewi11not dispensewiththe servicesof a ÿ ConstableexceptforMisconductor 3nefficiency, as he is stronglyo£ the opinionthatthe servicesof a man employedaa a Constablewi11,in future, be as importantas a man servingin the £ront1ine,and he thereforehopes thatall Constableswi11 settledownand resolveto giveo£ theirbeet to theircountry. In the eventof invasionthepart whichthe policewi11have to play wi11be of £irstimportance,and therecan be no doubtthata Constable wi11havemoreresponsibilitieasnd a more importantpart to play thanhe • wouldplayif he joinedthe armedförces. ,i i 2 'I (L , ChiefConstable.