Force Orders 1940_07 X No. 7. 8th May, 1940.. TO E CIRCULATED TO DIVISIONAL . HEP.DaUARTFRSAND STATIONOFFICES. ' SPECIALCONSTAßULA.RY- CREP?EDIVISION. The followingmembersof the abovementionedUnit are promoted aa followswith effectfromTueeday,7th May 1940'- No. S.C. 137 ConetableThomasNicholasNorthenpromotedto 5ergeant. No. S.C. 134 ConetableFrankWilliamson,promotedto Sergeant. No. S.C. 141 ConetableWilliamErnestPhillips,promotedto 5ergeant. No. S.C. 145 ConstableJohn WilliamErnestTurnbull promotedto 5ergeant. g oo Eeap-0q °,F, 1 40 „ CHIEFCONSTÀBLE.