Force Orders 1940_05 X OENERALORDER. No... . 8th Apri1,1940. TO BE C2RCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERSAND STATIONOFFICES. SP&CIqLCONSTABULARy- CRiB DIVISION. The undermentionadmemberso£ the above unit are promoted as follow'swith e£feat£rom Suaday7th Apri1,1940:- No. S.C. $61 CharlesHeary Lathampromotedto Sergeant. No. S.C. 894 HearyJohn Croaspromotedto Sergeant. No. S.C.1014 CharlesHerbertBennettpromotedto S®rgeaat. i j C Chie£Coastable. . 8th Apri1,1940.