Force Orders 1939_42 X i _. i GENERAL ORDERS R MajorJ.Becke.O.B.E. 6y No 42. Chief Constable of Cheshire. Counw Constabulary Office. Chester. Daa.27. d.,.A.a.o.....933..... s. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKSOF THE CHES iIRJ CONSTÁBUI.ARY. The Ch1ef Conetablewishesa11 membersof the Cheshire Constabularyand theirfamilieethe SeaeoneGreetings. It ie difficultwiththis dread£u1war going on to contemplatea MerryChrietmae'but we can hope for a victoriouéNew Year, and it ie up to each one o£ ue to try and make a iderryChristmasfor the chlldren,aid duringthe courseof the next year to do what we oan to keep alivea epiritof cheerfulneeeand a firm resolvenot to leaeenour effortsuntilthie evilmenaceof Hitleriemis vanquiehed. Tha ChiefConstablewouldlike to take thia opportunity of placingon recordhie pro£oundappreciationo£ the wholehearted,zealoue and efficientma e in whicha11 membersof tho Conetabularyhave performed their dutieeand of the cheerfulmannorin whichthey have workedfor long hoursday afterday. He wouldaleo liko to placo on recordthe eplendid su±portgivenby membersof tho auxiliarypolic eorvico- tho 1et. Police Reeerve,the PolicoWar Reserveand tho SpocialConstabulary- mobiloaiid foot - ono and a11 hava provedthemeolvoeworthyand havo upholdthe bist traditionsof tho ChoehiroConatabularyand thoir zoa1 and efficiencyhavo tondorodto loeeontho burdonof tho rogularpolicoforco. To ono and a11 tho ChiufConstabletonderehie boat • w•lehos. z G t . Chiof Constabloof Choehiro. YfFiETNYPINGGENERALORDERS DO NOT FORGET C1rculation.f prev ouaOrdere. If morethan one sheetendorse underthe numberon the G.O. the number•£ Sheets. The Dataof the th3s Bookmusb1e the eameaa the date on the stencil. 4. The personwho signsfor a G.O.aumleriè responsiblefor that number going on the Ordar befora the stencil ie taken offhe must ascertainfromthe CorrespondencDeept.whether tha extentoP Ciroulatioaof previousordersis requ3redto be endorsedon the orderabout to ba circulated. RECOR])OF GENERALORDERNUMBERs. 1939. DATETAKEN. I BYWHOMTAKEN. !' li . 9 4 Lg - .:. 6—a- - ' - - Q'—& . . 0 W59 . - . a z ' ‚'6 - " 7. , 9. .. /0 " ' n . 7nd df .. ' 4'? . .. q , ' '.'L,'L e» o : _ k .)"9u. L t " &q' L /5! /0 4 »4'/%' ' i q '1 W•. 1• . . . - ... . . ):. as. « - q-._ 7- #4 L C) l )] Q . » . , -- ‚q RECORD OF GENERAL ORDER NUMBERS. 1939. NUMBER. DAT T9KEN. BY1YHOMTAREN. , 31 '7': o3- 1r.l J,P.,; , -// - à lyl e,} 4Ya ,` C ` pCfS,S/ovC 3`F +s / • 3 á .c,-GG.. S- z3' 1 y. L , ,- '36 a y —i/ - 3q , - eJ i y6. 11' 3 ‚. -- f1 13. 1 • &' .0 'L, c-Z ' 4' d) - 14 - l - 1 , ,•4? 8. •P • a, t \ — , I ' 1' $ END OF GEMERAL ORDERS FOR THE YEAR 1 9 3 9.