Force Orders 1939_41 X No. 41. 19th.Decembor,1939• TO BE CIRCULATEDTO DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERSAND STATIONOFFICES. PLAIN C L 0 T H E 5. Fromtho date of thiaOrderMembereof the Conetabulary are authorisedto wearplainclotheewhen on "Reet"day and alao when o£f duty. Thie concaesionis givanoc the distinctunderstanding thatConstablesleavingtheirstations1eavewordwherethey can be foundin caeeof af air ra1d. Shouldan air raidwarningbe ^ given,theywi11at onceproceedto theirstationand put on uniformand reportin the ordinaryway. If theyare somedivtance fromtheirhomeeand nearerto a PoliceStation,they wi11report at onceat the policeetationand obtaina uniformcap dcoat,eo as to be availablefor duty.