Force Orders 1939_39 X To be oirculatedto a11 Ranks. GeneralOrderAo. 38. 5th December.1939. FINtERPRIHTFORMS. :. The ChiefConstablehae reoeivedlnformationthat New ScotlandYard are objectiagto the3r FiagerPrintForms beiagueed £or any purposeotherthan eupply3ngFingei!Prints to C.R.O. • The Weet RidingConstabularyhave recentlysupplied FingerPrintFormafor the purpoeeo£ sendingFingerPriata to them for recor.dpurposes. The Chie£Constablehas for ard d"toDlvisioaea supply of FiagerPrintFormsfor sendingFingerPriateto Headquartere and he d3reotethatxihen prisonerhas his FingerPrintstaken, three eet vi11 be taken Oae oa the New scotlandYerd Form, Oae on the West RidingForm,and One on the CheshireConetabularyForm. Carewi11 be takenthat the FingerPr3ntsare forwarded l to the addressee which appearon the forms. 0n ao aocount must set of FingerPriatebe forwardedto New 5ootlandYard oa a WakefieldForm or to Wakefieldoa a New SootlendYard Form. CheshireConstabularyFo m i11 not be sentto eitherNerr SootlandYard or Wakefield. 5uperintendeatscan obtaiafurthereupplieao£ the appropriateFormeby applyiagdirectto New ScotlaadYard, WakefieldaaciC.I.D.Héadquarters. Ocoupents'FingerPrlatafor e11m1 atlo will continue to be takenon the formsprovided£or this purpose. . ChiefConstable.