Force Orders 1939_37 X t. GE&ERAL ORDER. To be oiroulatedto a11 Raake of tha CheshireConstabulary. Ido. 37. (3 sheets) MILIT 3C TRAFFIC. The followiag are o optes o£ two Ordera recently issued by the Offioer Commanding, Western Co aad, dealing with the aeed for oare ó .:_ the parb o£ Soldierawhenwalkingoa the road,aad the speedof milltery vehicles; The oontentsof the Orderswi11 be oarefnllynoted by all ranks, aad any soldiersfoundaoting1n contraventionthereofw111 be reported to me. The Conatablareporb3ngahouldgl e the m a'sRegimentalNumber, Rsnk, £u11Naine,IIa3taad Statloaso that the Military.Aathoritiesoan easilytraoeh1m. I will than deoldewhetherto pass on th® reportto the O£f1oer Commanding, Western Commiod. - " it/./ t a+ Ch1e£Constable. 1 GeneralOrderNo. 37. (3 sheets) WE TERN COiMA.NDORDERB. Headquarters,Chester,Wednesday,25th Oct. 1939. OrderNo. 1498 - TrafficControl. The attentiono£ a11 ranksis directadto the need for care and consideratioawhenwalkingin publicthoroughfares, especiallyat night:thosewho walk negligentlyare a dange,rto themselvesand others, T eHighwayCodeacquiresespecialimportanceunder preseatoonditione.A11 ra kswi11 take particularcareto carry - out the provisionsof paras• 89 and 90 o£ the Code:these are as £ollows:- ( 9) Neverwalk alongthe carriageway wherethere is a pavementor suitablefootpath. If there is no footpathit ie generally betterto walk on the r3ght oP the carriageway ao as to face o -com ngtraffic. (90) 0n a pa ementor footpathdo not walk alongsidethe kerb in the aame d3rectionas the nearerstreamof traff3c. In addition,a11 ran]csare forbidd©ato staadin groups where the footpathor roadwayis aarr , or to walk more than two abreaston footpathsor narrowroads. C.R. 4191098 (A.P. i.) R.F.B. NA 7 lR, Major-Generali/c Administration. (2) GeneralOrderNo. 37. (3 eheate) 1'PESTERNCO ,iANDORDERS. Headquarters,Chester,Tuesday,21st November,1939. OrderNo. 1706. ROAD TRAFFICREGUALT20N3. The followingorderein connectionwith trafficregalations at home, are publishedfor informationaad compliaace:- W.D. Motor cycles,and M.T.Vehiclesand civilianvehiclesunder Pt.D.Control,must at a11times complywith speedrestrictionsin built-upareas. This is a civil1ega1liabilitywhichmust be observed even casesof urgencyor when on training. When there is a specialurgencyor whea eagagedon trainingthat necesslt te it (excludingindividualdriviaginstruction),the responsibleMilitaryOfficermay authorisedriversof N.D. vehicles and civiliandriversof othervehiclesthat ara at the time under Militarycontrol,(e.g.Hired Transport)to exceednormalspead restrictions otherthan those in built-upareasmentionedat (1) above. I such cases,the authorityof the respoasibl®bLilitexy Officarmust be givenin writinh aad must be in the possessionof the individualdrivers,or of the personin chargewheretwo or more vehicles are workingtogether. The authoritymust be producedto the policeoa demand,or to any otherpersonentitledto ask Tor it. The exemption permissibleunderthis paragraphvr111be most sparinglyused and on1y when Militarynecessitydemandsit. It will NOT be givenby any persoa belowthe appointmentof ComnandingOfficer. (LieutenantColonol'sComiaud). With the soleexceptionmeutioned(above?at(2) above,a11 1ega1speed restrictionswi11 be strictlyobserved. The 1ega1restrictionsimposedin'connectionwith trafficlightsaud road eignsmust be strictlyobservedon a11 occasionsby a11 Military personnaland civiliandriversunderMilitsxycontrol,evenwhen special authorityhas been givento exceedspeedreatrictioneunder (2) above.. The above instructionswi11 be repeatedin a11 formatioaaad unit orders, and any casesof aon-canplianceby Militarypersonnelwi11, unlessthey are to be the subjectoP civilprocoedings,be dealtwith strictlyas a disciplinarymatter. Plithregardto speed,trafficlightsand road signs,civiliandrivers of vehicleeunderMilitarycontrol(e.g.hired transport)are subject to civilactionof they failto observecivil1ega1restrictioas. Militaryauthorityto waive theserestrictionsmay be givendaly in . respectof speod,and in thia connectionthe fu11 provisionsof (2) abovewi11 be observed. Authority- War Office U.P.T. 110/Gen./5380(A.G.3.) dated16th November,1939. C.R. 4/54490.(A.A). R.S. B. N YLOR. Major-Generali/c Administration. (3)