Force Orders 1939_35 X GeneralOrderNo. 35• 25th.November1939• To be circulatedto a11 rankeof the CheahireConetabulary. INSPECTIONOF MEMBERSOF THE CHES IRECONSTABIILARY WH0 HAVE BEEN RECALLEDFOR SERVICEWITH H.M. FORCES TO BE HELD AT THE CASTLE,CHESTER,AT 3 p. m. ON WEDNESDAY,29th.NOVEMBER1939• The men wi11 fa11-inon the CaetleSquare,Chester,at 2-40 p.m. SuperintendentM. M. Thorburn,WirralDivieion,wi11 be ia commaadoY the parade. 5uperintendentF. Powe11,Headquartere,wi11 act as second in command. The men wi11 fa11-inin £our eectione 1ine. The men formingeach sectionand the positionsthey wi11 take up in the rankeare shownat the end of thia GeneralOrder. The men takingpart in the paradewi11 make a aote beforehandof their sectionsand theirnumberein the eectioneeo that theywi11 know exactlywhereto fa11 ia. Superintendenteof the Divieioneconcernedm111 make eure the men are warnedto ettendthe parad® and know the positionsthey will occupy. . InepectorJ.i. Taylor,Po1iceSchool,Chester,wi11 act ae the Chief Conetable'eOrderly. 0n hie arrivalat the Caetlethe Ch1efConetablew111 be receivedby John A. Dodd,Eeq.,M.B.E., eei tantChie£Constableof Cheehire. At 3 p.m.the ChiefConetablewi11 take up hie po tio in frontof the parade. The AssiltantChiefConstablewi11 take up his positiontwo paces to the rear and two paceeto the right o£ the ChiefConstable.The ChiefConstables Orderlywi11 take up h1e poeitiontwo paceeto the rear and two paceeto the left of the ChiefConetable. The paradewill be calladto attention.SuperintandentThorburnand SuperintendentPome11will ealutefor the counto£ aix.The ChiefConstable wi11 returnthe salute, The ChiefConstable'sOrder1ywi11 march out and hand the ro11 of men on paradeto SuperintendentThorburn,who will turn aboutand ca11 the ro11. The Orderlywi11 coverhim off in the meantime. l9henthe ro11 hae been called 5uperintendentThorburnwi11 turn about,returnthe ro11 to the ChiefConetable'a Order1y. The latterwi11 marchback to the AeeietantChiefConetableto whom he wi11 deliverthe ro11 to be kept at the CountyPo1iceHeadquarterauntil ueed againat the end of the war. The Orderlywi11 returnto is original poeition. The ChiefConstablewi11 proceedto inspectthe ranke. He wi11 be accompaniedby the AssistantChiefConstable,by the CommandingOfficerof the parade,by hie Orderlyand by thoeewhom the ChiefConstablehae invitad to accompanyhim on his inepection.l9fterthe inepectionie overthoeetaking part in it wi11 returnto thair originalpositions. The ChiefConstablewill addressthe men. The men will then marchpaet. The ChiefConstablewi11 take the salute. Dress. LateetieeueoP uniform.Cape with white cap covere.Vrhi.tecotton glovee. Meda1 ribbonswill be worn. Platerproofcoatewill be morn if the day ie wet and muet be broughtreadyfor wear ehouldthié be neceeeary.Officerewi11 wear Sem Browaebelte. Respiratorswith steelhalmeteslungthereon(usualorder) will be carried. Rankeattendingae apectatoreor engagedin connectionwith the paradewi11 be attiredae thoseattendingthe parada. Superintandenteof Divieione concernedwill make the neceeearyarrangementeabouttraneport. . (2) FRONT RANK. E RINK. No. 1 Section. 1. 752 M.F tzHerr e. 1: 748J.Wileon. 2.88 M. J.C . te . 2. 638T.Ai e . 3.647 A.Pattereon. 3. 626J.V.Kvihite. 4.187 E. I.Charleeworth. 4. 688T.D. Ryan. 5. 129 T. E.McGurren. 5. 757W.H. Jonea. 6.586 D.McNa11y. 6. 251R.9mbler. 7.425 G. H.Tilling.• 7. 676S.E. Lacy. 8.569 G. M.Lomax. 8. 105D.'!. sutt. 9.575 W. E.Wi1de. 9• ' 577 .1Ath rton. 10.75 W. G.Brough. 10. 764D.T. Roberts. 11. 627 J.Ruzsell. 11. 745G.F. Robineon. 12. 445 L. F.Arnold. 12. 443J.Duffy. 13.621 F. G.McIntyre. 13. 625R.Reid. No. 2 5ection. 1. 666 J.Ross.' 1. 710E.Voas. 2.697 J.Reid. 2. 719T.W. We1ch. 3.221 T.J. Cahi11: 3. 750T.V. Grogan.- 4.650 J.R. Duncalf. 4. 709W.J. Holyweil. 5•706 F.A.Roberteon." 5. 718T.A. Smith. 6.111 J.Blenkharn.° 6. 555 E.Brindle. 7•598 W.J. Dalkine. 7. 596 R.Talbot. 8.620 H.M. E1der. 8. 749W.Dickeon. 9.637 A.Lowcock. 9. 127J.K. Walkar. 10.665 J.Batty. 10. 664A.J. Christmas.- 11. 687 W.S. Mapp., 11. 134N.Bentham. 12. 639 J.Liv ngeton. 12. 711E.M. Fa lkner. 13. 725 G.K. Graham.• 13. 675S.Calvarley.- No. 3 Section. 1.200 J.Brackett." 1. 26R.G. Williams. 2.340 F.J. German. 2• 558 E.V. Mabbott. 3.288 T.G. Cheaters. 3. 74F.J. Vwaphreye.• 4.517 J.Blackwell.+ 4. 97L.Cooper. 5.769 C.W. Wright. 5.. 7E.. Hayea. 6.11 J.FAtk n. 6. 713J.A. Wilkinson. 7.707 R.Roberteon. 7. 712D.J. Smallcombe. 8.776 O.J. edman. 8. 125W.Price. 9.721 Á.Roes. 9. 65G.S. Dodd. 10. 622 K.G. Morrison.' 10. 779E.Cheetera. 11. 170 W.B. Hart. 11. 566• . . Kelly. 12. 736 W. Scott. 12. 193A.S .Carter. 13. 587 W.c.Bulmer. 13. 584G.Gray. No. 4 Section. 1. 54 R.C. Norbury. 1. 66841.5. Thorogood. 2. 464 E.E:4.Humph ee. 2. 92G.B. Gray. 3. 723 M.Maher.• 3. 746P.J. Say1e. 4. 677 L.Warburton. 4. 720F.Sheen. 5. 456 J.P. Alcock.' 5. 640A.E. Gadd: 6. 436 T.A. Gibson. 6. 489F.G. Kirton. 7. 646 W.W. Aae. 7. 463I.T. Goolding. 8. 201 W.J. Woolley.' 8. 477C.Henna11. 9• 753 J.F1ynn. 9• 756W.Jeseop.' 10.345 J.C. Johneon. 10: 705F.Sieeon. 11.102 H.Purslow.• 169W.Hulmee. 12.655 T.G. Coleman. 572D.E. Paga. 13• 90 C.Da1y. 696W.J. T t1de ley.• The righthand-mano£ each eection- No. 1 eection752 FitzHarrie, (3) < No. 2 eection666 Roea, No. 3 section 200 Brackett, and No. 4 section54 Norburywi11 reportto SuperintendantThorburnfive minutes beforethe parade ie due to 8 11 in. • ChiefConetable. •